Malta Fashion Week 2017
The seventh edition of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Malta will be held from the 20th to the 26th of May 2017, and the Malta Fashion Awards will be held on Saturday 27th of May 2017.
The seventh edition of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Malta will be held from the 20th to the 26th of May 2017, and the Malta Fashion Awards will be held on Saturday 27th of May 2017.
Save the date : 08.04.2017 !!!
Venue: Fashion club Prague !!
Saturday 1st April 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Friday, 31st March 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
A night dedicated to the special guests of F.Club who have continually supported us and our culture. Let us thank you with a night full of surprises and benefits while you take a seat back and enjoy the pampering goodness.
With massive monster tracks lined up, and the refreshing sounds we will be belting out some of the best playlists known in the scene.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: $30 nett (including 2 housepour drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 29th March 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 400 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 10 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 400 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 10 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Až z exotického Senegalu k nám v sobotu 25. března zavítá bubeník Tapha Faye, který vás svým uměním a energií, kterou dává do bubnování, dostane do varu. Společně s ním se představí dva velezkušení DJs Mark Colton a Giacomo. Nenechte si ujít skvělou atmosféru Fashion clubu v kombinaci s africkými rytmy, kterými bubeník doplní živě naše DJs! Přijďte si zatančit s námi a užijte si úžasnou hudbu po celou noc. Vaše oko potěší také naše sexy tanečnice, které nesmí chybět na žádné rozjeté párty.
HUDBA: deep house, commercial, house, live music
DJs: Mark Colton & Giacomo & Tapha Faye (live drummer)
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
We will welcome live drummer Tapha Faye from exotic Senegal on Saturday 25th of March. You can be sure that his enthusiasm and drumming skills will force you to dance all night. Do not miss great atmosphere of Fashion club mixed with African rhythms. Together with the drummer will be playing two skilled DJs Mark Colton and Giacomo. You will also enjoy our beautiful dancers and they will please your eyes. Let’s party with us and TOUCH THE SKY only in FASHION CLUB!
MUSIC: deep house, commercial, house, live music
DJs: Mark Colton & Giacomo & Tapha Faye (live drummer)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Es geht am Samstag wild zu !
Wir heißen DJ WAKS bei uns wilkommen und feiern bis in die frühen morgen Stunden
Mit dabei ist unser Special
1 Fashion Vodka + 4 Red Bull €100
RESERVIERE JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Wednesday, 22nd March 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 400 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 10 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 400 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 10 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Ani v měsíci březnu nemůže ve Fashion club Prague chybět oblíbená RnB night, která patří mezi největší akce svého druhu v Praze. Pojďte s námi protančit celou noc v rytmu RnB, reggaeton, latino nebo hip hop music. Za mixážním pultem se budou po celou noc střídat DJka Battle Lady a DJ Brush, kteří patří k nejoblíbenějším RnB DJs v Praze!
HUDBA: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: DJane Battle Lady & DJ Brush
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Even in March we cannot miss our favorite RnB night, one of the largest events of its kind in Prague. Come to dance the night away to the rhythm of RnB, reggaeton, hip hop or latino music. Behind the desk will be for all night two popular Prague DJs, DJane Battle Lady and DJ Brush! Come to enjoy the hottest Saturday night in Prague!
MUSIC: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: DJane Battle Lady & DJ Brush
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Es wird langsam wärmer und wir genießen es
Mit DJ RICHI AC geht’s wild zu ! Da fühlt sich der Sommer gleich viel näher an !
Unser Special ist: 2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60
Reserviere JETZT deinen Tisch +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Saturday 18th March 2017
10pm till late
It’s the time of the month where the Altra DJs take over the decks of F.Club to bring you a night of non-stop mayhem. Join them in a night of sizzling revelry!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (all covers incl. 2 drinks)
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Saturday 18th March 2017
7.30pm – 9.45pm
Magners International Comedy Festival is back for 2017 and this time F.Club Singapore is proud to be hosting a stellar line up of comedians such John Robertson (AUS), Dan La Morte (USA) and Kelly Taylor (USA).
Tickets are now available at http://eventregist.com/e/comedyfest2017
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
Club rules apply
Zelená je barva svátku svatého Patrika, který budeme společně slavit v pátek 17. března ve Fashion club Prague! Tentokrát celý klub nasvítíme zelenou barvou, budeme mít pro vás připravené speciální zelené drinky, zelené dekorace a mnoho dalšího! Přijďte si užít nejzelenější párty v Praze!
DJs: Xavier J & Don Marquez
HUDBA: commercial, house, remixes
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Green is the color of St. Patrick’s Day, which we celebrate together on Friday, March 17th at Fashion club Prague! This time we turn the club into green color, we prepare special green drinks, green decorations and much more! Come and enjoy the greenest party in Prague!
DJs: Xavier J & Don Marquez
MUSIC: commercial, house, remixes
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Fast kein Freitag ohne Manuel Petrik
Heute gibt’s unser Best of Fashion Weeks Special ! Wir reisen um die Welt und schauen uns die schönsten Modeschauen an !
Mit dabei die beste Musik, Unterhaltung und Stimmung
Unser Getränke Special ist 1 Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey + 4 Coca-Cola €110
Reserviere JETZT deinen Tisch +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Wednesday, 15th March 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 400 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 10 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 400 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 10 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Am Samstag geht’s mit einem Fashion Fusion Special los !!!!!!!!!
Wir freuen uns schon auf die besten beats by DJ RICHI AC und unser Getränke Special
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Red Bull + 1 Luxury Shisha €150
Wie kann man dazu nein sagen ?!?!?!
Kommt und feiert das Wochenede mit uns
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontcafe.com
Už jste někdy byli v džungli? Pokud ne, tak my vás tam alespoň zprostředkovaně přeneseme. V sobotu 11. března přeměníme Fashion club v jednu velkou džungli. Těšte se na speciální exotické taneční vystoupení, klub vyzdobený jako džungli a mnoho dalšího! O luxusní hudební doprovod se postarají naši rezidentní DJs Mark Colton a Don Marquez.
Přijďte se v sobotu 11. března ztratit do nekonečné džungle užít si tu nejlepší hudbu, úžasný zvuk, luxusní prostředí a skvělé drinky.
DJs: Mark Colton & Don Marquez
HUDBA: commercial, house, remixes
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Did you ever visit jungle? If not we will take you there! On Saturday 11th of March we change Fashion club in to the one big jungle. We also prepared special exotic dancers for you with special exotic dance show.
Music will be served by served by our resident DJs Mark Colton and Don Marquez.
Get lost with us in a jungle and come to Fashion club Prague on Saturday night to enjoy the best music, best sound, luxury club and amazing drinks.
DJs: Mark Colton & Don Marquez
MUSIC: commercial, house, remixes
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Saturday 11th March 2017
10pm till late
Ruby room special
Follow us in our journey with night dedicated to hip hop and culture. We’re shaking it up Hip Hop style with DJ Domination (USA) alongside DJ Elephant at Ruby!
With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a night of mayhem this weekend. We keep it classy, maybe a little bit nasty, but one thing’s for sure, we’re never trashy.
“Turn to seduction from face, hips to feet,
A wiggle and a jiggle can make the night complete.”
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
V pátek 10. března budeme oslavovat všechny ženy! Budeme je velebit a to od začátku do konce! Pro všechny dámy máme přichystanou květinu. O hudební doprovod se postarají dva zkušení hudební matadoři DJ Hrusha a lamač dívčích srdcí DJ Giacomo.
DJs: Hrusha & Giacomo
HUDBA: commercial, house, remixes
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
We would like to celebrate International women’s day with all ladies in our club on Friday 10th of March. Every lady, girl, women receives flower from us and our DJs will play best music just for you. This time DJ Hrusha and idol of all girls DJ Giacomo will take place behind the DJ desk.
DJs: Hrusha & Giacomo
MUSIC: commercial, house, remixes
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Mit DJ GEORGE fängt das Wochenende an!!!!!
Wir schauen uns die Paris Fashion Week mal genauer an und zeigen euch die besten shows, die heißesten designers und die schönsten Models
Unser Special
2 Grande Reserve €120
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 10th February 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Forget twerking, we’re shaking the start of the weekend with #TGIF! We keep it classy, maybe a little bit nasty, but one thing’s for sure, we’re never trashy.
“Turn to seduction from face, hips to feet,
A wiggle and a jiggle can make the night complete.”
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 8th March 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 400 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 10 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 400 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 10 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Venu: Fashion club Prague
Date: 4th of MARCH / SATURDAY
For table reservations contact number: JUST 3 tables left !
+420 777 770 238
Cill out at Fashion club TERRACE !!
DJ Michaela
DJ Bebe
Doors open at: 22:00
Jeden 1. Samstag im Monat feiern wir die POP Legende Michael Jackson
DJ RICHI AC zeigt uns die besten Hits vom KING OF POP
Unsere Getränke Special ist natürlich auch dabei !!
—-> 1 Grand Cru Champagne + 1 Luxury Shisha €99
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontcafe.com
Saturday 4th March 2017
10pm till late
DiamondVIP special
Plastik Funk, producers of the UK Singles Chart “Dr. Who” and praised by Avicii at the Winter Music Conference, will be back in Singapore to bring our roofs down.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Yes we are 3 years old! We had lot of amazing parties in the past and we hope we will have even beetter parties in the future.
Celebrate with us our 3rd anniversary during the night to remember. Do not miss international DJ guests, dance shows, special performances and decorations and much much more!
Theme of the party: OCEANS
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Mit DJ Manuel Petrik fängt das Wochenende an!!!!!
Wir schauen uns die Milan Fashion Week mal genauer an und zeigen euch die besten shows, die heißesten designers und die schönsten Models
Unser Special ist
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Red Bull €125
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Ano, slavíme 3. narozeniny a u této příležitosti jsme pro vás nachystali narozeninové menu pro dvě osoby.
0,1l Prosecco
Kalamáry se salátkem a mango-limetkovým dresinkem
Steak z tuňáka sashimi pokládaný na špenátovém pyré s vinnou omáčkou
Jahodové mascarpone polité belgickou čokoládou
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 224 815 733 nebo emailem reservation@f-club.cz.
Yes we are 3 years old and you can celebrate with us not only during the night but also during the evening. In our restaurant we made special birthday menu for two persons.
0,1l Prosecco
Calamari with salad and mango-lime dressing
Tuna sashimi steak on spinach puree with wine sauce
Strawberry mascarpone topped with Belgian chocolate
Reserve your table by phone +420 224 815 733 or via email reservation@f-club.cz.
Friday 3rd March 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Plastik Funk, producers of the UK Singles Chart “Dr. Who” and praised by Avicii at the Winter Music Conference, will be back in Singapore to bring our roofs down.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 1st March 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 400 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 10 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 400 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 10 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Přijďte s námi oslavit začátek nové sezóny 2017 velkou glamour párty s bohatým programem a křtem playboy pictorialu vítězek Czech Beauty. Celá akce se ponese v černozlatých barvách, kdo tedy přijde oblečen v kombinaci černozlaté, čeká jej hned u vstupu welcome drink Kromě představení samotných vítězek a držitelek titulu Czech Beauty Star za minulé ročníky se můžete těšit na taneční vystoupení Beauties, Black & Gold přehlídku sexy fotomodelek z dílny Terry Twain, tanečnice a luxusní kostýmy Ariny Couture, exotický tygří tanec Vibrasil Samba Show, profesionální photostage, nejlepší párty fotografové, projekce glamour a playboy fotografií a na závěr samozřejmě slavnostní představení pictorialu pro Playboy. Po půlnoci vystoupí DJ´s Don Marquez & Mark Colton.
Es wird HEIß mit den eizigartigem DJ RICHI AC
Es ist wieder Zeit für ein HipHop RnB Special
Wir sind wiedermal TOP MOTIVIERT für’s Wochenende und haben auch die BESTEN Getränke SPECIALS für EUCH
1 Grand Cru Champagne + 1 Luxury shisha €99
1 Luxury Vodka+ 4 Red Bull €120
Dazu kann man nur JA sagen!!! Das Wochenende muss einfach gefeiert werden
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Am 24.2 geht’s wild zu mit unserer BALKAN ZURKA SPECIAL
Mit dabei sind natürlich DJ DEKI und MC Frankie Dark-O !!
Fehlen dürfen auch nicht unsere specials
1 Fashion Vodka + 1 Energy Drinks €90
1 Jack Daniels + 4 Coca-Cola €110
!!! Dazu kann man nicht nein sagen !!!
Es wird WILD, HEIß und UNVERGESSLICH also reserviert JETZT schon euren Tisch +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Všichni vojáci a vojačky pozor! V pátek 24. února nástup ve Fashion club Prague, kde dostanete ten pravý vojenský výcvik!
Další z tematických party Fashion club Prague je zde. Tentokrát poznáte, jak se baví všechny vojačky a vojáci. Čekají na vás vojenské dekorace, vojenský personál, vojenské tanečnice a mnoho dalšího! Naši DJs hrají to nejlepší z house music.
DJs: Beza & Lucky Luck
HUDBA: commercial, house, remixes
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
All soldiers out there! May we have your attention! On Friday, 24th of February we will give you real military training at Fashion club Prague.
Another thematic party of Fashion Club Prague is here. This time you will learn how all the soldiers enjoy the party! Awaiting you are military decorations, military personnel, military dancers and much more! Our DJs play the best house music.
DJs: Beza & Lucky Luck
MUSIC: commercial, house, remixes
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Friday 24th February 2017 & Saturday 25th February 2017
10pm till late
Ruby Room special
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège has become established as the world’s favorite VSOP Cognac, and is recognised for its harmonious and well-structured blend.
No matter what: Club-, Concerthall, True-Headz, Mainstream, Warm-Up or After-Show-Party. Wherever he´s on stage DJ Tam-R always calls out the “State of Emergency”.
His excellent choice of music and his extraordinary talent to adjust to the present audience quickly made DJ Tam-R well known during the last decade. Using his acquired experience and know-how nowadays the entertainer catches up to all expectations. Applying scratching, beat-juggling, even more by well-directed usage of the microphone and exclusive samples he turns his live-shows almost into concert happenings.
Influenced by Dr. Dre, Eazy-E , Snoop Dogg, Ice-T, Wu Tang Clan, NOTORIOUS B.I.G., 2 Pac, Busta Rhymes, etc, DJ SLICK has attracted a following of fans in these 10 years where he has DJ-ed in various clubs all over Europe.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 22nd February 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 400 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 10 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 400 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 10 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Am Samstag geht’s wild zu mit unserem Back to Basics SPECIAAAAAL! !!!
Mit DJ RICHI AC geht’s los !!! Wir feiern durch die Nacht und wärmen uns mit den besten Sounds von den 70er bis zu den 20er auf
Unsere Specials sind :
1 Fashion Vodka + 4 Red Bull €100
1 Grand Cru + 1 Luxury Shisha €99
RESERVIERT JETZT EUREN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Внимание! Прага!
Не пропусти! Уже 18 февраля в Fashion Club состоится очередное шоу Comedy Club!
Специальные гости из Москвы Дмитрий “Люсек” Сорокин и Ирина Мягкова, а также местные резиденты Comedy Club Prague будут рады скрасить ваш февральский вечер качественным юмором!
Количество мест ограничено
СТОИМОСТЬ БИЛЕТОВ от 500 до 1000 крон
Ждем Вас с нетерпением!
Заказ билетов +420774376917 Сергей
Saturday 18th February 2016
10pm till late
It’s the time of the month where the Altra DJs take over the decks of F.Club to bring you a night of non-stop mayhem. Join them in a night of sizzling revelry!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (all covers incl. 2 drinks)
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Black & White party
Date: 18.02.2017
RNB Hip-Hop Night
DJ Line UP:
MORE INFO SOON… Stay Tuned !
Den všech zamilovaných sice již máme za sebou, ale lásky není nikdy dost. Proto přijměte pozvání do Fashion club Prague v pátek 17. února, kde budeme rozdávat lásku. Pokud jste byli na Valentýna sami, jsme si jisti, že si svůj protějšek najdete právě u nás. A pokud ne, tak naši DJs se již těší na všechny dámy a sexy tanečnice na všechny pány!
HUDBA: commercial house music, remixes
DJs: Giacomo & Don Marquez
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Although the day of all lovers is already behind us, we are sure that love is never enough. Therefore accept our invitation to Fashion club in Prague on Friday, February 17th, where we give love to everyone. If you were alone on Valentine’s Day, we are sure that you will find your love with us. And if not, our DJs are already looking forward to all the ladies and sexy dancers to all men!
MUSIC: commercial house music, remixes
DJs: Giacomo & Don Marquez
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Die Ball Saison ist eröffnet und wir sind ein Teil davon
Kommt mit eurer Ball Karte ins Cafe und kriegt ein Glass Prosecco Gratis !!!
Damit der Abend einen guten Anfang hat und ihr ihn genießen könnt
Für Tisch Reservierung unter +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday & Saturday, 17th & 18th Febraury 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 15th February 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 400 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 10 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 400 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 10 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Užijte si svátek zamilovaných ve stylovém prostředí Fashion restaurant!
Připravili jsme pro vás speciální Valentýnské menu za speciální cenu.
Nechte se unést skvělým servisem, nezapomenutelným výhledem a lahodným menu, které pro zamilované páry připravil náš kuchařský tým.
Předkrm – výběr ze dvou variant
• Kachní paštika s brusinkovou omáčkou a rozpečeným toastem
• Šafránové rizoto s štípaným parmezánem
• Hráškový krém s restovanou pancettou
Hlavní chod
• Pro dámu: Steak z lososa na špenátovým pýre a vinnou omáčkou
• Pro pána: Filírovaný Hovězí flank na zelených fazolkách s červenou cibulkou a česnekem demi-glace
• Crème brûlée
Ke každému menu je v ceně zahrnuta i láhev vína dle výběru:
• Merlot 2011 Sudtirol – Alto Adige Doc cantina Tramin
• 2011 Ornellaia ‘Le Volte dell’Ornellaia’ Toscana
• Bodegas Renacer Punto Final Malbec Classico 2011
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 224 815 733 nebo přes email restaurant@f-club.cz
Enjoy the day of all lovers in the stylish Fashion restaurant!
We have prepared a special Valentine’s menu at a special price.
Amaze yourself with great service, unforgettable views and delicious menu, which was with love prepared by our culinary team.
Appetizer – a choice of two options
• Duck pate with cranberry sauce and toast
• Saffron risotto chopped with Parmesan cheese
• Pea cream with roasted pancetta
Main course
• For the lady: Grilled salmon on spinach purée and red wine sauce
• For the gentleman: Sliced Beef flank with green beans, red onion and garlic demi- glace
• Crème brûlée
A bottle of wine is included in the price with each menu and you can choose from fallowing bottles:
• Merlot 2011 Sudtirol – Alto Adige Doc cantina Tramin
• 2011 Ornellaia ‘Le Volte dell’Ornellaia’ Toscana
• Bodegas Renacer Punto Final Malbec Classico 2011
Book your table on phone number +420 224 815 733 or email restaurant@f-club.cz
Ani v měsíci únoru nemůže ve Fashion club Prague chybět oblíbená RnB night, která patří mezi největší akce svého druhu v Praze. Pojďte s námi protančit celou noc v rytmu RnB, reggaeton, latino nebo hip hop music. Za mixážním pultem se budou po celou noc střídat DJka LuMichelle a DJ Poeta, kteří patří k nejoblíbenějším RnB DJs v Praze!
HUDBA: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: DJane LuMichelle & DJ Poeta
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Even in February we cannot miss our favorite RnB night, one of the largest events of its kind in Prague. Come to dance the night away to the rhythm of RnB, reggaeton, hip hop or latino music. Behind the desk will be for all night two popular Prague DJs, DJane LuMichelle and DJ Poeta! Come to enjoy the hottest Saturday night in Prague!
MUSIC: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: DJane LuMichelle & DJ Poeta
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Der Valentines Weekend fängt bei uns am Samstag an
Vier tage lange feiern wir die Liebeeeeee
Mit DJ RICHI AC und MC Frankie Dark-O geht’s LOS!!!
Unsere Specials sind:
10 Rainbow Shots €45.-
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
Reserviert JETZT euren Tisch +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Saturday 11th February 2017
10pm till late
Ruby room special
Follow us in our journey with night dedicated to hip hop and culture. We’re shaking it up Hip Hop style with DJ Domination (USA) alongside DJ Elephant at Ruby!
With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a night of mayhem this weekend. We keep it classy, maybe a little bit nasty, but one thing’s for sure, we’re never trashy.
“Turn to seduction from face, hips to feet,
A wiggle and a jiggle can make the night complete.”
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
70. a 80.léta v New Yorku byla proslulá divokými disco večírky, o kterých si povídal celý svět. Zažijte s námi nezapomenutelný disco mejdan až do ranních hodin. Připravena je pro vás speciální výzdoba a naši DJs budou hrát ty nejlepší remixy známých hitů nejenom z let 70. a 80., ale také ze současnosti!
HUDBA: disco remixes, commercial house music
DJs: Stayer & Peter Wild
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
70s and 80s in New York City were famous for wild disco parties and the whole world was talking about them. Experience with us unforgettable disco party until the early hours in Fashion club Prague. We have prepared for you a special decoration and our DJs play the best remixes of familiar hits not only from the 70s and 80s, but also from the present!
MUSIC: disco remixes, commercial house music
DJs: Stayer & Peter Wild
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Mit DJ GEORGE fängt das Wochenende an!!!!!
Focus on den TOP Designer KARL LAGERFELD und wie er die fashion Welt verändert hat
1 Jack Daniels + 4 Coca cola €110
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €120
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday, 10th February 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
A night dedicated to the special guests of F.Club who have continually supported us and our culture. Let us thank you with a night full of surprises and benefits while you take a seat back and enjoy the pampering goodness.
With massive monster tracks lined up, and the refreshing sounds we will be belting out some of the best playlists known in the scene.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: $30 nett (including 2 housepour drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 8th February 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 400 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 10 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 400 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 10 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Sobota 4. Února znamená jediné. Ve Fashion klubu se odehraje souboj mezi dámským a mužským pohlavím. Mezi sebou se v hudebním souboji utká sexy DJka Vee a oblíbený sex symbol pražských klubů, DJ Beza. Celou noc vám budou servírovat tu nejlepší taneční hudbu a je pouze na vás, koho podpoříte. Přijďte v sobotu do Fashion klubu a ukažte, které pohlaví je lepší.
HUDBA: commercial house music, remixes
DJs: DJane Vee & Beza
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Saturday 4th of February means the battle between Girls and Boys at Fashion club. We will welcome beautiful DJane Vee and one fo the sexiest Czech DJs Beza. They will play the best music for you all night long and you will decide who plays better. Come to fashion club to show which gender is better!
MUSIC: commercial house music, remixes
DJs: DJane Vee & Beza
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Jeden 1. Samstag im Monat feiern wir die POP Legende Michael Jackson
DJ RICHI AC und MC Frankie Dark-O zeigen uns die besten Hits vom KING OF POP
Unsere Getränke Specials sind natürlich auch dabei !!
—> 10 rainbow shots €45.-
—-> 1 Fashion Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €99.-
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontcafe.com
Saturday 4th February 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large Matthew White, one half of Fashion TV’s official DJ Duo – Pay & White, as he dishes out some of the most memorable dance tracks known to man this Friday night.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Hed Kandi, jedna z nejlegendárnějších tanečních značek na světě, která vznikla v roce 1999 a proslavila se především díky svým mixovaným kompilacím a luxusními akcemi po celém světě, míří v pátek 3. února po několika letech opět do Prahy!
Nenechte si ujít noc plnou té nejlepší světové house music s rezidentním DJem Hed Kandi, kterým bude DJ Chris J Frater!
Můžete se těšit na unikátní Hed Kandi atmosféru, originální taneční vystoupení, nádherné kostýmy, Hed Kandi dekorace a dárky pro návštěvníky v podobě oficiálních Hed Kandi kompilací, triček, atd.
Hed Kandi přináší tu nejlepší house music pro vyspělé klubové publikum již od roku 2002, kdy se v Londýně odehrála první párty z konceptu Hed Kandi. Od té doby následoval raketový start a Hed Kandi akce naleznete víkend co víkend po celém světě – od Londýna po Dubaj, od Ibizy po Singapur.
Pro párty Hed Kandi jsou vybíraný pouze ty nejlepší kluby a my jsme rádi, že Fashion club Prague byl zařazen do této vybrané společnosti.
Přímo z Londýna přiletí Hed Kandi reprezentovat britský DJ Chris J Frater, který pod touto značkou vystupoval v zemích jako Thajsko, Jižní Afrika, Indie, Hongkong a samozřejmě i po celé Evropě. Jeho mixy mohli posluchači slyšet na rádiích jako BBC Radio 1 nebo Ministry of Sound a jeho hudba vychází na labelech jako Hed Kandi, CR2, Pacha Recordings, Milk & Sugar a dalších.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/i_QzpNSbkt0
HUDBA: Luxury house music with touch of London and Ibiza
DJs: CHRIS J FRATER (UK – Hed Kandi resident DJ), Support DJs: Don Marquez, Mark Colton, Ed Knowles
VSTUPENKY: v prodeji od 16.1.2017
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Hed Kandi, one of the most legendary dance brands in the world, which was founded in 1999 and is famous mainly for its mixing compilations and luxury events worldwide heading to Prague on Friday, 3rd of February!
Do not miss night full of the world’s best house music with resident DJ from Hed Kandi. This time we will welcome DJ Chris J Frater!
You can enjoy the unique atmosphere of Hed Kandi party, original dance performances, gorgeous costumes, Hed Kandi decorations and gifts for visitors in the form of official Hed Kandi compilations, shirts, etc.
Hed Kandi brings the best house music club for mature audiences since 2002, when they hosted the first party of the concept of Hed Kandi in London. Since then followed a rocket start and Hed Kandi events can be found every weekend throughout the world – from London to Dubai, from Ibiza to Singapore.
For Hed Kandi Kandi parties are selected only the best clubs and we are delighted that Fashion Club Prague has been included in this selection.
Straight from London we will welcome Hed Kandi resident DJ Chris J Frater, who was playing under this brand in countries such as Thailand, South Africa, India, Hong Kong and throughout Europe. His mixes were played on radios like BBC Radio 1 or Ministry of Sound and his music was released on labels such as Hed Kandi, CR2, Pacha Recordings, Milk & Sugar and others.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/i_QzpNSbkt0
MUSIC: Luxury house music with touch of London and Ibiza
TICKETS: on sale from 16.1.2017
DJs: CHRIS J FRATER (UK – Hed Kandi resident DJ), Support DJs: Don Marquez, Mark Colton, Ed Knowles
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Wer liebt die Haute Couture Paris Fashion Week denn nicht? Dieses Wochenede gibt’s das special dazu mit DJ Manuel Petrik !!!!!!!!!!!!
Damit ihr auch warm wird mit dieser kälte gibt’s ein paar wärmende Specials für euch
10 Rainbow Shots €45
1 Fashion Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €99
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 3rd February 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large Matthew White, one half of Fashion TV’s official DJ Duo – Pay & White, as he dishes out some of the most memorable dance tracks known to man this Friday night.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 400 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 10 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 400 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 10 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Sunday 29th January 2016
10pm till late
It’s the time of the month where the Altra DJs take over the decks of F.Club to bring you a night of non-stop mayhem. Join them in a night of sizzling revelry!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (all covers incl. 2 drinks)
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
-EN & CZ below
Venue: Fashion club Prague
Date: 28.01.2017
The hottest LATINO party in Prague ever.
FASHION club brings you a night with a great atmosphere, full of exciting impressions and also full of Latin Beats !!
Take the chance to meet new freinds and learn more and see more performances, feel again Erasmus Atmosphere.
Famous DJs of lovely Prague city will play for us whole night:
DJ PIPO ( Italy )
Dj ULISES ( El Salvador )
Doors open at 22:00.
Napište svoje jméno na zdi modrými písmeny i získejte vstup zdarma.
Venue: Fashion club Prague
Date: 28.01.2017
Nejhot party v Praze
FASHION club Prináší vám nezapomenutelnou noc a s dobrou atmosférou, plnou ruzných zážitku a hlavne plnou latinskoamerické hudby.
Proslulí DJové Prahy budou hrát pro vás celou noc:
➥ DJ PIPO ( Italy )
➥ Dj ULISES ( El Salvador )
Od 22:00.
Am Samstag geht’s mit DJ RICHI AC und MC Frankie Dark-O AB!!!
Es ist vielleicht kalt draußen aber bei uns wirds um so heißer
Unsere Getränke Specials sind:
10 Rainbow Shots €45.-
1 Fashion Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €100.-
Da kann der Abend nur gut werden
Reserviert JETZT euren Tisch ! +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Saturday 28th January 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Ein neues Jahr ein neues Weekend Special Diesen Freitag föngt das Wochenede schon mit DJ RICHI AC an !!!
Die schönste Lady mit dem besten Sounds um den Freitag Abend zu genießen…
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €125
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Celebrate with us Chinese new year!
More info soon!
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Friday 27th January 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wir fangen mit einem neuen Event an !
Was ganz besonderes für unsere Ladies
Ab 18:00 geht’s los! Kommt und genießt eine Flasche Fashion Luxury Champagner um NUR €69.-
Mit DJ MATTA und den besten chill house sounds kann’s nicht besser werden
Einen besseren weg gibt’s nicht um den Feierabend zu beginnen..
Wednesday, 25th January 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 400 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 10 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 400 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 10 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Es wird HEIß mit den eizigartigem DJ RICHI AC und MC Frankie Dark-O
Es ist wieder Zeit für ein HipHop RnB Special
Wir sind wiedermal TOP MOTIVIERT für’s Wochenende und haben auch die BESTEN Getränke SPECIALS für EUCH
1 Fashion Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €65
1 Grand Cru Champagne + 1 Luxury shisha €99
1 Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey + 4 Coca-Cola €110
Dazu kann man nur JA sagen!!! Das Wochenende muss einfach gefeiert werden
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Night with the touch of Cuba.
More info soon!
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Ein neues Jahr ein neues Weekend Special Diesen Freitag legen wir mit DJ Manuel Petrik und Gucci los
Die schönste Lady mit dem besten Sounds um den Freitag Abend zu genießen…
10 Rainbow Shots €45.-
1 Fashion Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €65.-
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks + 1Shisha €150.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Omlouváme se všem návštěvníkům, ale z důvodu konání soukromé akce je Fashion club Prague dne 20.1.2017 pro veřejnost uzavřen.
Budeme se na vás těšit znovu v sobotu 21.1.2017!
We apologize to all our customers, but Fashion club Prague would be closed on Friday 20th of January for the reasopn of the private event.
We are open again on Saturday 21st of January 2017.
Friday 20th January 2017 & Saturday 21st January 2017
10pm till late
Ruby Room special
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège has become established as the world’s favorite VSOP Cognac, and is recognised for its harmonious and well-structured blend.
Influenced by Dr. Dre, Eazy-E , Snoop Dogg, Ice-T, Wu Tang Clan, NOTORIOUS B.I.G., 2 Pac, Busta Rhymes, etc, DJ SLICK has attracted a following of fans in these 10 years where he has DJ-ed in various clubs all over Europe.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wir fangen mit einem neuen Event an !
Was ganz besonderes für unsere Ladies
Ab 18:00 geht’s los! Kommt und genießt eine Flasche Fashion Luxury Champagner um NUR €69.-
Mit DJ CHRISTEK HUHOUSI und den besten chill house sounds kann’s nicht besser werden
Einen besseren weg gibt’s nicht um den Feierabend zu beginnen..
Wednesday, 18th January 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 400 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 10 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 400 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 10 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wir gehens am samstag WILD AN !!
Es ist wieder zeit für unsere CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS – KARAOKE SPECIAL !!!!
AB 21:00 geht’s mit unserem Resident MC Frankie Dark-O und DJ RICHI ACI LOS!!!
2 Flaschen CHAMPAGNER €120
2 Flaschen LUXURY CHAMPAGNE €145
RESERVIERUNGEN UNTER +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Pokud jste z nějakého důvodu minuly oslavu nového roku 2017 podle Gregoriánského kalendáře, nabízíme vám možnost na reparát. V sobotu 14. února s námi můžete oslavit příchod nového roku, který se slaví podle Juliánského kalendáře. A kde jinde si užít druhou oslavu nového roku 2017, než ve Fashion club Prague. To nejlepší ze současné taneční hudby vám budou servírovat DJs Beza a Hrusha.
HUDBA: House, Deep house, Commercial, Remixes
DJs: Beza & Hrusha
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
If you somehow missed the celebration of the New Year 2017 according to Gregorian calendar, you can fix it on Saturday 14th of January and celebrate New Year with us according to the Julian calendar. Where else to enjoy this special occasion, than in luxury Fashion club Prague. The best of the current dance music will be playing DJs Beza and Hrusha.
MUSIC: House, Deep house, Commercial, Remixes
DJs: Beza & Hrusha
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Saturday 14th January 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
První RnB night v novém roce 2017 je zde! RnB NIGHT ve Fashion club Prague patří mezi největší pravidelné akce svého druhu v Praze. Pevně věříme, že i v roce 2017 vás potěšíme tou nejlepší RnB a urban music, kterou servírují nejlepší pražští DJs. Tentokrát přivítáme zkušenou dvojici ve složení DJane Battle Lady a DJ Brush. Nenechte si ujít rozjetou párty až do ranních hodin.
HUDBA: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: DJane Battle Lady & DJ Brush
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
First RnB night in New Year 2017 is here! RnB NIGHT at Fashion club Prague belongs to the biggest parties of its kind in Prague! We hope that in New Year 2017 you will stay with us and show us support night by night and will enjoy with us the best of RnB and urban music. We will host two skilled and experienced Prague DJs – Djane Battle Lady and Dj Brush. Do not miss the wildest RnB party of the month of January.
MUSIC: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: DJane Battle Lady & DJ Brush
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Es ist mal wieder soweit Neujahr zu FEIERN !!
Diesmal das SERBISCHE Neujahr wo die Party ABGEHT !!
Eins ist sicher die Serben können Feiern und das LIEBEN WIR !
DJ DEKI und MC Frankie Dark-O zeigen uns was sie drauf haben mit der BESTEN Musik spielt von 100% Balkan, 100% HipHop bis zu 100% House.
Besser geht’s nicht !!
Reservier JETZT deinen Tisch !
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 13th January 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 11th January 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Jeden 1. Samstag im Monat feiern wir die POP Legende Michael Jackson
DJ RICHI AC und MC Frankie Dark-O zeigen uns die besten Hits vom KING OF POP
Unsere Getränke Specials sind natürlich auch dabei !!
—> 10 rainbow shots €45.-
—-> 2 Prosecco €80.-
—> 2 Luxury Champagne €145.-
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontcafe.com
Přesně týden po Silvestru je opět čas na pořádnou pátrty.
Milovníci House Music Pozor! Fashion club Prague si pro vás na sobotu 7. ledna přichystal lahůdku. Užijte si tu nejlepší house music po celou sobotní noc v nejkrásnějším klubu ve městě a tančete až do rána. K poslechu a tanci hrají DJ Styx a poprvé se ve Fashion clubu představí DJ Stayer!
HUDBA: House, Deep house, Commercial, Remixes
DJs: Styx & Stayer
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Right after NYE is party time again!
If you like house music, do not miss Saturday night at Fashion club Prague. On Saturday 7th of January you can dance all night with the best house music at the prettiest club at town on the roof of the Shopping mall KOTVA! You will enjoy all styles of house music all night long! Music served by DJ Styx and first time in Fashion club by DJ Stayer.
MUSIC: House, Deep house, Commercial, Remixes
DJs: Styx & Stayer
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Saturday 7th January 2017
10pm till late
Ruby room special
Follow us in our journey with night dedicated to hip hop and culture. We’re shaking it up Hip Hop style with DJ Domination (USA) alongside DJ Elephant at Ruby!
With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a night of mayhem this weekend. We keep it classy, maybe a little bit nasty, but one thing’s for sure, we’re never trashy.
“Turn to seduction from face, hips to feet,
A wiggle and a jiggle can make the night complete.”
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Ein neues Jahr ein neues Weekend Special Diesen Freitag legen wir mit DJ Manuel Petrik und Irina Shayk los
Die schönste Lady mit dem besten Sounds um den Freitag Abend zu genießen…
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
1 Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots€100.-
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks + 1Shisha €180.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Přivítejte s Fashion club Prague Pravoslavné vánoce a užijte si skvělý večer s přáteli v luxusním prostředí, které nenabízí žádný jiný klub v Praze! Oslavte s námi tento svátek tancem a zábavou až do časných ranních hodin.
Samozřejmě to neznamená, že je tato párty určená pouze pro rusky mluvící publikum. Fashion club Prague víta všechny, kteří se chtěji dobře pobavit a užít si skvělý servis a hudbu.
HUDBA: House, Deep house, Commercial, Remixes
DJs: Fume (KZ) & Don Marquez
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Welcome Orthodox Christmas with Fashion club Prague and enjoy the great night with all your friends in luxury club which you cannot find anywhere else in Prague. We always celebrate Christmas Day with activities such as having a family dinner, attending a Christmas liturgy and visiting relatives and friends. Right after; is time to enjoy it till the light of the morning. So Fashion Club invites you to present you the glamour night together with friends! Meet old friends, communities and make the night unforgettable!!
For sure the party is open for everybody who wants to enjoy great time together with amazing service and mussic for all night.
MUSIC: House, Deep house, Commercial, Remixes
DJs: Fume (KZ) & Don Marquez
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Friday, 6th January 2017
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
A night dedicated to the special guests of F.Club who have continually supported us and our culture. Let us thank you with a night full of surprises and benefits while you take a seat back and enjoy the pampering goodness.
With massive monster tracks lined up, and the refreshing sounds we will be belting out some of the best playlists known in the scene.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: $30 nett (including 2 housepour drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Das Wochenede fängt schon einen Tag früher an bei uns
Mit unserem HAMMERTIME special geht’s AB!
DJ BALE spielt die beste Musik — da kann man nur die Nacht durchtanzen
Unsere Getränke Specials sind….
—— 10 rainbow shots €45.-
——– 2 luxury shisha on ice €60.-
———- 1 Jack Daniels + 4 Coca Cola €110.-
Worauf wartet ihr noch ?? RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Wednesday, 4th January 2017
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Sunday, 1st January 2016
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Welcome 2017 in style and glamour at Singapore’s most vibrant nightspot, F.Club Singapore. A night of endless champagne and fashion to bring in the new year with a big bang!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: $30 nett (including 2 housepour drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Travel with us to the galaxy far far away.
Enjoy the best New Years Eve party in Prague in the most stylish club! See Prague from above during midnight when the sky gets all colours with amazing Fireworks around the city!
Wir feiern am 31. wieder mal SILVESTER ovller STIL und ÜBERRASCHUNGEN
WIR HABEN LIVE ACTS – DJS und vieeeeles mehr für euch geplant !!!
Dieses Jahr haben wir zwei Tisch Packete für euch
Für 4 Leute um €390.-
1 Luxury Champagne 0,7l
1 Luxury Vodka 0,7l
4 Energy Drinks
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice
16 Fashion Canapés
Für 6 Leute um €495.-
2 Luxury Champagne 0,7l
2 Fashion Vodka 0,7l
10 Energy Drinks
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice
16 Fashion Canapés
RESERVIERT JETZT EUREN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Saturday, 31st December 2016
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Countdown to 2017 in style only at f.Club Singapore at Clarke Quay – Singapore’s most vibrant nightspot.
Bringing in all the hedonism and glitz of fashion parties all over the world to F.Club Singapore, get ready for a night-long party to bring 2016 to a climatic close.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: To be announced
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Am Freitag geht’s schon los mit den besten Silvester Momente vom letzten Jahr !!!
Genießt die besten sounds mit dem einzigartigen DJ PRINCE MOE
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
2 x Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 30th December 2016
10pm till late
Ruby Room special
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège has become established as the world’s favorite VSOP Cognac, and is recognised for its harmonious and well-structured blend.
Influenced by Dr. Dre, Eazy-E , Snoop Dogg, Ice-T, Wu Tang Clan, NOTORIOUS B.I.G., 2 Pac, Busta Rhymes, etc, DJ SLICK has attracted a following of fans in these 10 years where he has DJ-ed in various clubs all over Europe.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 28th December 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Ho ho ho ! Wir gehen’s wild an
Am 25. wird GEFEIERT denn der 26. ist ein FEIERTAG !!
Mit DJ Jays on gibt’s NUR die BESTE MUSIK !
Unsere Getränke Specials sind:
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
1 Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
1 Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €180.-
1,5l Luxury Vodka + 10 Energy Drinks + 1L Juice €320.-
Da kann’s ja nur gut werden
RESERVIERE JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Sunday 25th December 2016
10pm till late
DiamondVIP Special
Avoid the turkeys and ensure you soak up as much festive fun as possible with our Christmas Bash. Sing along, dress as an elf, sink some warming cocktails – we’ve got everything you could possibly want for Christmas.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 1 drink)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Saturday 24th December 2016
10pm till late
Avoid the turkeys and ensure you soak up as much festive fun as possible with our Jingle Ball. Sing along, dress as an elf, sink some warming cocktails – we’ve got everything you could possibly want for Christmas.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 1 drink)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wir freuen uns Weihnachten mit euch zu feiern !!!
Deshalb haben wir uns was besonderes ausgedacht für euch und zwar …..
Kauft eine Flasche und bekommt eine Flasche F-Vodka, F-Prosecco oder F-Champagner GRATIS dazu !!!!
Entweder zum gleich trinken oder mitnehmen
Am Abend feiern natürlich mit DJ GEORGE PALILLIS und MC Frankie Dark-O zusammen und bringen die beste Weihnachtsstimmung zu euch !!!
Reserviere JETZT deinen Tisch !! +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Am Freitag schauen wir uns die besten Fashion Momente an die im Jahr passiert sind
Genießt die besten sounds mit dem einzigartigen DJ Emanuel Leo
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
2 x Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Přijměte pozvání na vánoční „ples“ ve Fashion club Prague. Den před Vánoci v pátek 23. prosince proměníme klub v luxusní taneční sál. Konečně je zde nejlepší část roku, kdy můžete potkat všechny své známé a odpočinout si od předvánočního shonu. Připravte si masky a nechte se okouzlit při tanci s neznámou osobou, jejíž identita vám může zůstat schována po celou noc. Oslavte Vánoce s Fashion club Prague a užijte si s námi nejkrásnější část roku.
Největší vánoční párty v Praze si nemůžete nechat ujít!
HUDBA: House, Deep house, Commercial, Remixes
DJs: Mark Colton & Don Marquez
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
We will turn Fashion club Prague in to the luxury ballroom on Friday 23rd of December. Day before the Christmas Day is finally time to relax, meet all your friends and have fun. Get the mask and find the mystery of the person you are dancing with. Who is blind the mask? Maybe you will never know. Celebrate Christmas with Fashion club Prague and enjoy with us the most amazing time of the year.
It will be the event of Christmas 2016 not to be missed!
MUSIC: House, Deep house, Commercial, Remixes
DJs: Mark Colton & Don Marquez
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Friday 23rd December 2016
10pm till late
Ruby Room special
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège has become established as the world’s favorite VSOP Cognac, and is recognised for its harmonious and well-structured blend.
Influenced by Dr. Dre, Eazy-E , Snoop Dogg, Ice-T, Wu Tang Clan, NOTORIOUS B.I.G., 2 Pac, Busta Rhymes, etc, DJ SLICK has attracted a following of fans in these 10 years where he has DJ-ed in various clubs all over Europe.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
X- Mass party !
Venue is Fashion club Prague ! !
Date: 22nd December !!
More info soon!
Wir fangen mit einem neuen Event an !
Was ganz besonderes für unsere Ladies
Ab 18:00 geht’s los! Kommt und genießt eine Flasche Fashion Luxury Champagner um NUR €85.-
Mit DJ BALE und den besten chill house sounds kann’s nicht besser werden
Einen besseren weg gibt’s nicht um den Feierabend zu beginnen..
Wednesday, 21st December 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Fashion Twerk Night / DJ BIG JAY & RICO & AMA
More info soon !!
Wir gehens am samstag WILD AN !!
Es ist wieder zeit für unsere CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS – KARAOKE SPECIAL !!!!
AB 21:00 geht’s mit unserem Resident MC Frankie Dark-O und DJ CHRISTEK ZUHOUSI LOS!!!
2 Flaschen CHAMPAGNER €120
RESERVIERUNGEN UNTER +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Saturday 17th December 2016
10pm till late
Ruby room special
Forget twerking, we’re shaking it up Hip Hop style with DJ Domination (USA) alongside DJ Elephant at Ruby!
With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a night of mayhem this weekend. We keep it classy, maybe a little bit nasty, but one thing’s for sure, we’re never trashy.
“Turn to seduction from face, hips to feet,
A wiggle and a jiggle can make the night complete.”
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Saturday 17th December 2016
10pm till late
DiamondVIP special
Plastik Funk, producers of the UK Singles Chart “Dr. Who” and praised by Avicii at the Winter Music Conference, will be back in Singapore to bring our roofs down.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wer liebt die wunederschöne Lara Stone nicht ?! Eines der schönsten Top Models wird bei uns im Cafe zu bewundern seit auf unseren 4K videowalls
Genießt die besten sounds mit dem einzigartigen DJ Manuel Petrik
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
2 x Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Ani v prosinci nemůže ve Fashion klubu chybět oblíbená RnB NIGHT, která patří mezi největší pravidelné akce svého druhu v Praze. V pátek 16. prosince jsme pro vás přichystali speciální předvánoční edici plnou dárků, se speciální vánoční výzdobou a samozřejmě s tou nejlepší RnB a Urban music, kterou budou servírovat dvě zkušení DJky, které zaručeně roztančí celý klub až do ranních hodin. Nenechte si ujít prosincovou RnB NIGHT na které se představí DJane LuMichell a DJane Battle Lady, které patří ke stálici pražské RnB a Hip Hop scény a své umění společně předvedou nyní i ve Fashion club Prague!
HUDBA: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: DJane Battle Lady, DJane LuMichell
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Last month of the year is here and we cannot miss our favorite RnB NIGHT in Fashion club. Special Christmas edition is ready for you in Friday 16th of December with gifts for everyone and special Christmas decoration. We will host again two female DJs playing the best of RnB and urban music all night! DJane LuMichell and DJane Battle Lady surely belong to fixed stars of Prague RnB and Hip Hop scene and they will demonstrate their skills in Fashion club Prague! Come and be there on Friday, 16th of December and dance with us all night long.
MUSIC: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: DJane Battle Lady, DJane LuMichell
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Friday 16th December 2016
10pm till late
It’s the time of the month where the Altra DJs take over the decks of F.Club to bring you a night of non-stop mayhem. Join them in a night of sizzling revelry!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (all covers incl. 2 drinks)
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wir fangen mit einem neuen Event an !
Was ganz besonderes für unsere Ladies
Ab 18:00 geht’s los! Kommt und genießt ein zweites Glass Prosecco auf Haus
Mit DJ Branko Matta und den besten chill house sounds kann’s nicht besser werden
Einen besseren weg gibt’s nicht um den Feierabend zu beginnen..
Wednesday, 14th December 2016
9.00pm till late
Diamond room special
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Noch ein Jahr, noch ein Geburtstag!
Kaum zu glauben, dass wir schon drei Jahre alt werden
So was besonderes möchten wir natürlich mit euch FEIERN !!!
In cooperation mit Heineken wird die Nacht wiedermal UNVERGESSLICH!
Mit MC Frankie Dark-O, einer Fashion Show von Miché Fashion und vieles mehr geht’s ab!!!!!
Es gibt auch ein super Buy 4 #Heineken geht 1 FREE Angebot!!!
Wir freuen uns auf euer kommen
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH www.fashiontvcafe.com // +4319457747
Nenechte si ujít ostrou party, která na vás čeká v sobotu 10. prosince 2016. Připravili jsme pro vás svůdné taneční show, které vás pořádně rozpálí a nažhaví na dlouhou noc. Ochutnejte také naše speciální drinky připraveny speciálně pro tento ostrý večírek. To nejlepší ze současné house music hrají DJs Styx a Mark Colton.
HUDBA: House, Deep house, Commercial, Remixes
DJs: Styx & Mark Colton
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Do not miss the spicy party that awaits you on Saturday 10th December 2016. We have prepared real hot dance shows that will make you really hot and heats you up for a long night. Taste also our specialty drinks prepared for this slightly erotic party. The best of house music will be played by DJs Styx and Mark Colton.
MUSIC: House, Deep house, Commercial, Remixes
DJs: Styx & Mark Colton
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Fenomén Star Wars přichází do kin s novou epizodou s názvem Rouge One. Staňte se i vy na jednu noc součástí galaktického večírku ve vzdálené galaxii. Těšte se na párty se všemi vašimi oblíbenými postavami – Han Solo, C-3PO, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, princezna Leia, Luke Skywalker – ti všichni přislíbili účast. Nicméně pozor, temná síla je přítomna všude, takže očekávejme i Kylo Rena, kancléře Palpatina, Stormtroopery a možná se objeví i sám lord Darth Vader.
Star Wars party na vás čeká v pátek 9. prosince 2016 ve Fashion club Prague.
HUDBA: House, Deep house, Commercial
DJs: Giacomo & Don Marquez
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Star Wars phenomenon is coming to theaters with a new episode titled One Rouge. For one night become a part of the galactic party in a distant galaxy. Be sure to party with all your favorite characters – Han Solo, C-3PO, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker – all promised to participate. However, beware, dark power is present everywhere, so expect even Kylo Ren , Emperor Palpatine, Stormtroopers and maybe even appearance his majesty Lord Darth Vader.
Star Wars party waits for you on Friday, December 9, 2016 in Fashion club Prague.
MUSIC: House, Deep house, Commercial
DJs: Giacomo & Don Marquez
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Es wird zeit für unser Dior Special !!
Wer liebt #Dior nicht? Einer der schönsten Marken auf der ganzen Welt und wir zeigen dir was so besonders daran ist !!!
Kommt und genießt die Aussicht auf unseren 4K videowalls
MC Frankie Dark-O legt auf !! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
2 x Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 9th December 2016
10pm till late
Our signs are in the stellar night. At f.Club we continue the signature f.Zodiac series of parties with the flirtatious Sagittarius.
Be careful when partying with a Sagittarius, as he or she has a sharp tongue by nature. Alcohol and anger do not mix well, so you better watch what you say around these people. As they drink throughout the night, you will notice how their flirtatious personality quickly emerges. Need a wingman or double date partner? This is who you need to call
Complimentary bottle of F.Prosecco with every birthday table booking.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
LSTmodels ist wieder auf der Suche nach neuen Gesichtern.
Im Zuge dessen wird am 7.12.2016 ein Modelcasting in Kooperation mit FashionTV veranstaltet.
Nach dem Casting wird mit den Gewinnern ein Fashion-Show-Case ausgetragen und im Anschluss findet eine After-Show-Party statt.
Wir bitten um vorherige Anmeldung zum Casting via austria@lstmodels.com
Ebenso ist das Casting und die Anmeldung über das App Bezeen verfügbar.
See you there
RESERVIERE JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Wednesday, 7th December 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
V sobotu 3. prosince bude Fashion klub zářit všemi barvami. Klub vyzdobíme speciálními UV dekoracemi a vy tak budete moci zažít magickou sobotní noc, z které vám budou oči přecházet. Nechte se unést netradiční barevností za zvuku té nejlepší house music současnosti, kterou budou servírovat DJs Beza a Jean Luc.
HUDBA: House, Deep house, Commercial
DJs: Beza & Jean Luc
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Saturday 3rd of December we will change Fashion club into the magic place with amazing colors and great music. We will decorate club with special UV decorations and you will experience amazing night which will blow your eyes. Be amazed by the colors everywhere and dance all night to the finest house music served by DJs Beza and Jean Luc.
MUSIC: House, Deep house, Commercial
DJs: Beza & Jean Luc
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Jeden 1. Samstag im Monat feiern wir die POP Legende Michael Jackson
MC Frankie Dark-O zeigen uns die besten Hits vom KING OF POP
Unsere Getränke Specials sind natürlich auch dabei !!
—> 10 rainbow shots €45.-
—-> 2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
—> 1 Fl. Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontcafe.com
Saturday 3rd December 2016
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
MaCallan Packages
1 bottle of MaCallan 12yrs – $288nett
2 bottles of MaCallan 12 yrs – $528nett
1 bottle of MaCallan Fine Oak 12yrs – $288nett
2 bottles of MaCallan Fine Oak 12 yrs – $528nett
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
V pátek 2. prosince přivítáme ve Fashion club Prague velmi speciálního hosta. Bude jím rumunský DJ Jonnessey, který pravidelně hrává nejenom v Rumunsku, ale za svou kariéru již navštívil vice jak 14 dalších zemí a odehrál přes 1000 party. DJ Jonnessey se nesoustředí pouze n jeden hudební styl, ale mixuje různé druhy do sebe a jeho sety jsou tak velmi barvité, plné tí nejlepší hudby současnost. Jako DJ pracuje již více jak 20 let a své zkušenosti předává i dalším ve své DJské škole. Od roku 2010 také pracuje jako DJ a moderátor na nejznámějším rumunském tanečním radiu Kiss FM.
V pátek 2. prosince se DJ Jonnessey představí poprvé v České republice a my se již těšíme na super show plnou jeho vlastních remixů a mash-upů.
HUDBA: House, Deep house, Commercial
DJs: DJ Jonnessey & Don Marquez
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Friday 2nd of December we will welcome very special DJ guest from Romania – DJ JONNESSEY.
Crisscrossing Romania and the 14 countries he has mixed in, DJ Jonnessey has a massive experience of DJ-ing at over 1.000 parties. This impressive number probably puts him on the very top of the list of DJ’s coloring the nights by mixing varying types of commercial music, also known as Top40. He not only mixes songs, but also different music genres at the same party. The juggling of different musical styles is the power that drives him forward. He’s been teaching others how to mix for the past 16 years. He’s been working for different radio stations for the past 20 years. Since 2010 he’s one of the DJ’s of Romania’s number one radio station – Kiss FM. He spends many hours in the studio every day, carefully preparing his extended edits and remixes for his next gig.
MUSIC: House, Deep house, Commercial
DJs: DJ Jonnessey & Don Marquez
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Es wird zeit für unser Miranda Kerr Special !!
Miranda Kerr ist einer der meist gewünschte Top Models und verzaubert jeden mit ihrem wunderschönen Körper
Kommt und genießt die Aussicht auf unseren 4K videowalls
MC Frankie Dark-O legt auf !! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
2 x Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday & Saturday, 2nd and 3rd December
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 30th November 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Приём Прага, MOSCOW NEVER SLEEPS на связи ? 26-ого ноября Fashion Club будет пропитан РУССКИМИ ХИТами! В эту ночь ты точно НЕ УСНЕШЬ ? В этот раз мы приготовили для вас кое-что новое ? 26.11., MOSCOW NEVER SLEEPS, НЕ ПРОПУСТИ
For Table Reservations:
+420 777 770 238
15:00 – 19:00 every day.
Dj Can Yikmis
Dj Black Cloud
Photographer: Anton Filonenko
Door open: 22:00 !
Organized by Prague Student Chain.
Wir gehens am samstag WILD AN !!
Es ist wieder zeit für unsere CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS – KARAOKE SPECIAL !!!!
AB 21:00 geht’s mit unserem Resident MC Frankie Dark-O und DJ CONSTANTINE LOS!!!
2 Flaschen CHAMPAGNER €120
RESERVIERUNGEN UNTER +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
In collaboration with SgInstaBabes, we’ve created The Cover Girl Search to find the most beautiful, charming and popular babe to be f.Club’s ambassador! Party, cheer and interact with the 10 gorgeous contestants as guest international act DJ SLICK (GER) takes to the stage!
Sign up now at http://www.f-club.sg/covergirl/
Commitment Days
18 November (7pm – 9pm) – Photoshoot
23 November (7pm – 1am) – Preview Show
26 November (7pm – 1am) – The Finals
Oblíbená Sax Night je zpět tentokrát okořeněná o exotického Djského hosta. V pátek 25. listopadu se vám představí DJ Rodrigo Ardilha ze slunného Rio de Janeiro, sekundovat mu bude oblíbený DJ Styx a živě oba dva DJs doprovodí saxofonista Saxofrancis. Přijďte si zatančit s námi a užijte si úžasnou hudbu po celou noc. Vaše oko potěší také naše sexy tanečnice, které nesmí chybět na žádné rozjeté párty.
HUDBA: deep house, commercial, house, live music
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
DJs: Styx & Rodrigo Ardilha & SAXOFRANCIS (live saxophonist)
Popular Sax Night is back on Friday 25th of November, this time with the touch of sunny Brazil as we will welcome DJ Rodrigo Ardilha from sunny Rio de Janeiro. Playing live saxophone we will welcome mister SAXOFRANCIS and as a support we will welcome popular DJ Styx. You will also enjoy our beautiful dancers and they will please your eyes. Lets party with us and TOUCH THE SKY only in FASHION CLUB!
MUSIC: deep house, commercial, house, live music
Styx & Rodrigo Ardilha & SAXOFRANCIS (live saxophonist)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Es wird zeit für unser Yves Saint Laurent Special!!!! Einer der welt bekanntesten Marken die jeder tragen möchte
Kommt und genießt die Aussicht auf unseren 4K videowalls
MC Frankie Dark-O legt auf !! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Champagner + 1 Luxury Shisha on Ice €130.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 25th November 2016 & Saturday 26th November 2016
10pm till late
Ruby Room special
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège has become established as the world’s favorite VSOP Cognac, and is recognised for its harmonious and well-structured blend.
Influenced by Dr. Dre, Eazy-E , Snoop Dogg, Ice-T, Wu Tang Clan, NOTORIOUS B.I.G., 2 Pac, Busta Rhymes, etc, DJ SLICK has attracted a following of fans in these 10 years where he has DJ-ed in various clubs all over Europe.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 23rd November 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Prague African Fashion Show
by Stella Atal
Balumuka celebrates and reflects colorful diversity,
heritage, and spirit of African tradition and culture
here in the city of Prague where fashion and
dance complements one another.
Balumuka proudly presents fashion show with new and
talented fashion designer Stella Atal (Uganda).
19. Listopadu 2016, FASHION CLUB
Namesti Republik 8, KOTVA
more information soon…
It’s time for a new chapter….
It’s time to be unique…
It’s time for FALLING LEAVES!
Endlich ist es soweit, der offizielle Launch des jungen Modelabels „FALLING LEAVES“ findet am 19. November 2016 in einer der exklusivsten Locations Wiens statt, dem Fashion TV Cafe Vienna direkt auf der Kärntner Straße.
Seid gespannt auf eine einzigartige Nacht und auf die Premiere der neuen Lifestyle-Marke „FALLING LEAVES“ mit ihrer ersten Kampagne. Lasst euch überraschen…
More details coming soon…
Friday 19th November 2016
10pm till late
DiamondVIP special
TALLA 2XLC, the godfather of trance is back! Catch him bring the house down in DiamondVIP.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $33 all night (incl. 3 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
V pátek 18. listopadu nás čeká další speciální edice oblíbené RnB night.
Tu nejlepší RnB a Urban music budou servírovat dvě zkušení DJky, které zaručeně roztančí celý klub až do ranních hodin. Nenechte si ujít speciální edici RnB night na které se představí DJane LuMichell a DJane Battle Lady, které patří ke stálici pražské RnB a Hip Hop scény a své umění společně předvedou nyní i ve Fashion club Prague! Buďte i vy u toho v pátek 18. Listopadu!
HUDBA: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: DJane Battle Lady, DJane LuMichell
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Friday, November 18th, our favorite RnB night will return. This time in a special edition when we will present only female DJs all night! We invited two skilled and popular Prague DJanes which will perform greatest RnB and Urban music hits for you! First time in Fashion club Prague will be playing together DJane LuMichell and DJane Battle Lady. Girls surely belong to fixed stars of Prague RnB and Hip Hop scene and they will demonstrate their skills in Fashion club Prague! Come and be there on Friday, 18th of November and dance with us all night long.
MUSIC: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: DJane Battle Lady, DJane LuMichell
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Es wird zeit für unser Dolce & Gabbana Special!!!! Einer der welt bekanntesten Marken die jeder tragen möchte
Es wird draußen kälter und bei uns drinnen heißer Mit den heißesten Victoria’s Secret Models auf unseren Videowalls!
Kommt und genießt die Aussicht auf unseren 4K videowalls
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Champagner + 1 Luxury Shisha on Ice €130.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
18 ноября в Fashion Club в городе Прага состоится Comedy Show.
Программа :
– Ведущий Алишер Нурахметов
– Трио : “Прага”
– Стэнд ап : Тигран (резидент чешского StandUp)
– Музыкальный дуэт: “Прага”
– Сева Москвин (Comedy радио)
– Специальные гости дуэт “Чехов и Кукота”
Заказ билетов:
+420774376917 Сергей
+420774258733 Денис
+420773907598 Илья
Ждем Вас с нетерпением.
Friday 18th November 2016
10pm till late
It’s the time of the month where the Altra DJs take over the decks of F.Club to bring you a night of non-stop mayhem. Join them in a night of sizzling revelry!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (all covers incl. 2 drinks)
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 16th November 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Až z exotického Senegalu k nám v sobotu 12. Listopadu zavítá bubeník Tapha Faye, který vás svým uměním a energií, kterou dává do bubnování, dostane do varu. Společně s ním se představí dva velezkušení DJs Beza a Hrusha. Nenechte si ujít skvělou atmosféru Fashion clubu v kombinaci s africkými rytmy, kterými bubeník doplní živě naše DJs! Přijďte si zatančit s námi a užijte si úžasnou hudbu po celou noc. Vaše oko potěší také naše sexy tanečnice, které nesmí chybět na žádné rozjeté párty.
HUDBA: deep house, commercial, house, live music
DJs: Beza & Hrusha & Tapha Faye (live drummer)
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
We will welcome live drummer Tapha Faye from exotic Senegal on Saturday 12th of November. You can be sure that his enthusiasm and drumming skills will force you to dance all night. Do not miss great atmosphere of Fashion club mixed with African rhythms. Together with the drummer will be playing two skilled DJs Beza and Hrusha. You will also enjoy our beautiful dancers and they will please your eyes. Lets party with us and TOUCH THE SKY only in FASHION CLUB!
MUSIC: deep house, commercial, house, live music
DJs: Beza & Hrusha & Tapha Faye (live drummer)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Es wird HEIß mit unserem DJ RICHI AC !
Es ist wieder Zeit für ein HipHop RnB Special
Wir sind wiedermal TOP MOTIVIERT für’s Wochenende und haben auch die BESTEN Getränke SPECIALS für EUCH
10 Rainbow Shots €45.-
1 Luxury Shisha on ice & 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
1 Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
Dazu kann man nur JA sagen!!! Das Wochenende muss einfach gefeiert werden
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Saturday 12th November 2016
10pm till late
Party and play with us like crazy to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary. Eddie Pay (GER), DJ Sherpa, DJ Elephant, DJ Slick and DJ Domination will throw the best of Top 40s and EDM tracks all night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Jste připraveni na pořádně divokou party? Přivážíme vám německého DJe Patricka Hofmanna a jeho party koncept GET NAKED!
Patrick má za sebou více jak 18 let zkušeností s DJingem a pravidelně vystupuje nejenom v Německu, ale i například v legendárním klubu Ministry of Sound v Londýně nebo ve Španělsku, Rakousu a dalších Evropských zemích. Patrick je rovněž skvělým producentem a na jeho kontě nalezneme desítky vlastních tracků a remixů. Nyní přijíždí do Prahy, aby exkluzivně vystoupil ve Fashion club Prague!
Více informací naleznete na: www.patrickhofmann.net
HUDBA: house, disco house, vocal house, remixes, commercial
DJs: PATRICK HOFMANN (Leipzig, Germany), Don Marquez
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Are you ready for real wild party? On Friday 11th of September we bring you German DJ Patrick Hofmann and his party concept GET NAKED!
Patrick has more than 18 years of experience with DJing and regularly performs not only in Germany, but also for example in the legendary club Ministry of Sound in London, Spain, Austria and other European countries. Patrick is also great producer and produced dozens of tracks and remixes. Now coming to Prague to exclusively perform in Fashion club Prague!
More info could be find at: www.patrickhofmann.net
MUSIC: house, disco house, vocal house, remixes, commercial
DJs: PATRICK HOFMANN (Leipzig, Germany), Don Marquez
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Jeder kennt und LIEBT die Victoria’s Secret Mode und Engeln
Es wird draußen kälter und bei uns drinnen heißer Mit den heißesten Victoria’s Secret Models auf unseren Videowalls!
Kommt und genießt die Aussicht auf unseren 4K videowalls
MC Frankie Dark-O legt auf !! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Champagner + 1 Luxury Shisha on Ice €130.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 11th November 2016
10pm till late
Party and play with us like crazy to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary. Eddie Pay (GER), DJ Sherpa, DJ Elephant and DJ Slick will throw the best of Top 40s and EDM tracks all night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Friday 11th November 2016 & Saturday 12th November 2016
10pm till late
PAY & WHITE, the official FashionTV DJ Duo are back for our 3rd Anniversary Carnival. Expect infectious beats and intense energy, coupled with the club’s intimate layout where the focus is on the dance floor.
The German duo Pay & White have made a name for themselves in Asia by opening Asia’s biggest festival.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 8th November 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Grand Finále Czech Beauty 2016 je tu! Jste ready na glamour párty roku s nejkrásnějšími fotomodelkami roku 2016 ve Fashion Clubu? 5.11. od 21. hod. začne moderovaná tříhodinová show a boj o prestižní titul Czech Beauty Star! Večerem bude provázet šarmantní finalistka Czech Beauty 2014 Sabina Koudelková, můžete se těšit na taneční vystoupení úžasných beauties v čele absolutní vítězkou Czech Beauty Ivetou Kindlmanovou, glamour focení, playboy photo stage Photon Europe, jedinečnou Angel show Arina Couture, luxusní prádlo zn. Werso, Suicide Angels Tattoo shooting, hvězdnou porotu Czech Beauty s VIP hosty, svůdné hostesky, vyhlášení dívky publika, bodypainting a mnoho dalšího. Vzácnými hosty, které přiveze Hummer limuzína od Ollyho budou dosavadní držitelky titulu Czech Beauty Star! Po půlnoci začne velká afterpárty s exkluzivním hostem neměckou playmate Christiane Henschel, která se ve Fashion clubu představí jako sexy DJ. Asi není třeba více dodávat, že kdo nebude v sobotu na značkách jako by nebyl
Vstup na finále do půlnoci je 300 Kč boys, 200 Kč ladies.
Jeden 1. Samstag im Monat feiern wir die POP Legende Michael Jackson
DJ RICHI AC und MC Frankie Dark-O zeigen uns die besten Hits vom KING OF POP
Unsere Getränke Specials sind natürlich auch dabei !!
—> 2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
—> 1 Fl. Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
–> 1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontcafe.com
In collaboration with SgInstaBabes, we’ve created The Cover Girl Search to find the most beautiful, charming and popular babe to be f.Club’s ambassador! Party, cheer and interact with the 10 gorgeous contestants as guest international act DJ SLICK (GER) takes to the stage.
Register at www.f-club.sg/covergirl
Commitment Days:
28 October – Photoshoot from 7pm to 9pm
2 November – Preview Show from 7pm to 1am
5 November – Final Show from 7pm to 1am
začneme ve velkém stylu. Na první párty v novém měsíci jsme si do Fashion clubu pozvali oblíbeného italského DJe Chris Nine. Chris Nine pochází z Turína, kde vystupuje v klubech od roku 1993. Za sebou tak má velmi dlouhou a úspěšnou kariéru, během které navštívil kluby po celé Itálii nebo například v Egyptě a Řecku. Nyní se po několika měssících opět představí ve Fashion club Prague. Dalším zahraničním DJem, kterého přivítáme bude DJ Can Yikmis z Turecka.
HUDBA: commercial, house, future house
DJs: CHRIS NINE (Italy) & Can Yikmis (TUR)
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
We start month of November in style. For the first party in the new month we invited a popular Italian DJ Chris Nine. Nine Chris comes from Turin, where he appears in clubs since 1993. He has long and successful career during which he visited all important clubs throughout Italy or for example in Egypt and Greece. Now after few months we are ready to welcome him back in Fashion club Prague. Playing together with him will be DJ Can Yikmis from Turkey.
MUSIC: commercial, house, future house
DJs: CHRIS NINE (Italy) & Can Yikmis (TUR)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Jeder kennt und LIEBT die Victoria’s Secret Mode und Engeln
Es wird draußen kälter und bei uns drinnen heißer Mit den heißesten Victoria’s Secret Models auf unseren Videowalls!
Kommt und genießt die Aussicht auf unseren 4K videowalls
MC Frankie Dark-O legt auf !! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Champagner + 1 Luxury Shisha on Ice €130.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 4th November 2016
10pm till late
Our signs are in the stellar night. At f.Club we continue the signature f.Zodiac series of parties with the ones with a dangerous sting, the Scorpios.
Moderation isn’t in their vocabulary. They either seek total destruction or they go home early. They’re very witty when they get drunk, and they can even get very attractive and risque somehow. There are a lot of slurring and sarcastic remarks when it comes to a drunk Scorpio. They may open up a side they don’t normally do and start speaking from the heart, so a lot of emotional declarations come out their mouths. They may end up passing out on the couching moping about their love life at then end.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
f.Club Singapore is proud to be a sponsor of the Silent Disco Asia party in this year’s Singapore River Festival (SRF). Catch our resident DJs (DJ Slick, DJ Sherpa & DJ Elephant) at the Clarke Quay Fountain Square this Friday and Saturday for a unique party experience.
For more information: http://www.srf.sg/Highlights_Silent_Disco.html
Stand a chance for priority entry plus a free drink for yourself & your friends by simply commenting & tagging them! Do remember to state which day (4th/5th November) of the event you will be attending in your comment.
Selected comments will be liked by f.Club Singapore as way of confirmation.
Wednesday, 2nd November 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Unser Trick or Treat – Halloween Special wird eine Gruslige unvergessliche Nacht
Eins, Zwei Freddy kommt vorbei
3, 4 er steht jetzt vor der tür
5, 6 jetzt holt dich gleich die Hex
7,8 es ist gleich Mitternacht
9, 10 es ist Zeit FEIERN ZU GEHEN ——- NEXT DAY IS A HOLIDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kommt und feiert mit uns den Tag des grauens, gefüllt mit grauen, schrecken und angst
DJ RICHI AC und MC Frankie Dark-O machen die Nacht was besonderes……
Unsere Getränke Specials sind
10 Rainbow Shots €45.-
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
1 Btl. Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
1,5l Luxury Vodka + 10 Energy Drinks + 1l Juice €320.-
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Es wird HEIß mit unserem MC Frankie Dark-O !
Es ist wieder Zeit für ein HipHop RnB Special
Wir sind wiedermal TOP MOTIVIERT für’s Wochenende und haben auch die BESTEN Getränke SPECIALS für EUCH
10 Rainbow Shots €45.-
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
1 Fl. Jack Daniel’s + 4 Coca-Cola €110.-
Dazu kann man nur JA sagen!!! Das Wochenende muss einfach gefeiert werden
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Have you ever Partied like a star? Have you ever get a feeling sexy, crazy and exclusivly special for a Halloween night?
Lets get together do it in the heart of teh center, at the top of Prague view .. This is Fashion Club Halloweeeennn !!!!!
One weekend and two days of joy and fame !!!!
Date: 28/29.10.2016
Table Reservation: @FASHION CLUB
Ticket on Pre-sale !!! @ Fashion Club Reception
Dont be left out !!!
Line up:
Kendall Jenner ist einer der schnellst wachsenden Models, sie schaut nicht nur gut aus sonder rockt die Fashion Welt !!
Kommt und genießt die Aussicht auf unseren 4K videowalls
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Champagner + 1 Luxury Shisha on Ice €130.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday & Saturday, 28th and 29th October 2016
10pm till late
Welcome to the Slaughter House.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 26th October 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wir feiern den 25.10 denn ab nächsten Tag ist FEIERTAG !!!
Das gehört gefeiert
Mit DJ AJDOVAN und den besten BEATS geht’s AB !
Unsere Getränke Specials sind:
10 Rainbow Shots €45.-
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
1 Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €180.-
Es wird HEIß, es wird WILD es wird eine UNVERGESSLICHE NACHT mit MC Frankie Dark-O und die BESTEN BEATS!!
Unsere Getränke Specials sind:
1 Luxury Shisha + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
Který hudební styl je lepší? House nebo RnB? Vy rozhodnete! Po celou noc hrajeme pouze house nebo RnB music a ty nejlepší tracky současnosti. Hudbu budeme měnit každou hodinu a vy si tak každou hodinu budete moci užít to nejlepší z obou hudebních stylů!
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy ZDARMA, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: house, remixes, RnB
DJs: Mark Colton & Black Cloud
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Which music style is better? House or RnB? You will decide. We play all night just house and RnB tunes and you show us how to party. We change music every hour for you and you can enjoy the best music from both styles!
ENTRY: Man 200,- CZK, Ladies FREE, Reservation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: house, remixes, RnB
DJs: Mark Colton & Black Cloud
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Saturday 22nd October 2016
10pm till late
Ruby room special
Forget twerking, we’re shaking it up Hip Hop style with DJ Domination (USA) alongside DJ Elephant at Ruby!
With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a night of mayhem this weekend. We keep it classy, maybe a little bit nasty, but one thing’s for sure, we’re never trashy.
“Turn to seduction from face, hips to feet,
A wiggle and a jiggle can make the night complete.”
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
V pátek 21. října čeká na všechny fanoušky kvalitní house music doslova hudební BOMBA. Téměř po roce přivítáme ve Fashion club Prague hvězdné DJské duo CRAZIBIZA, které má na svém kontě desítky hitů a stovky vystoupení po celém světě. Do Prahy přiletí přímo Amsterdam Dance Event, což znamená, že jistě představí skvělou hudební show plnou hudebních novinek.
Jako support DJs se představí rezidentní DJs Fashion clubu Don Marquez a Mark Colton.
Poprvé se na hudební scéně objevili v roce 2012, ale za tak krátkou dobu už mají na svém kontě již více než 150 tracků a remixů pod těmi největšími značkami jako Pacha, Ministry of Sound nebo Hed Kandi. Největší prodejce hudby Beatport označil Crazibizu jako nejlepší remixéry roku 2012 a jako 4. nejlepšího house producenta roku 2014. Crazibiza vlastní také uznávané vydavatelství PornoStar Records, na kterém bylo vydáno již více jak 250 tracků. Za svou kariéru již remixovali takové hvězdy světové hudby jako Icona Pop, Axwell, Deadmau5, Adele, Akon, Beyoncé, Wamdue Project, Barbara Tucker, a mnoho dalších.
Jejich týdenní rozhlasový pořad na Music FM 89,5 dosahuje více než 300 000 posluchačů každý čtvrtek! Kromě práce ve studiu, patří Crazibiza také k velmi vytíženým DJům. Jejich cestovní plán zahrnuje více jak 150 termínů po celém světě od Evropy, přes Nový Zéland, Austrálii, Čínu, Hongkong, Japonsko, Korea, Rusko, Dubai, Mexiko, Argentinu, Kolumbie a poslední dobou USA! Crazibiza také patří k rezidentním DJs v klubu Space na Ibize.
FB: www.facebook.com/crazibiza/
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/crazibiza
WEB: http://crazibiza.com/
VSTUP: Muži 300,- CZK, Dámy 200,- CZK, rezervace 200,- CZK
HUDBA: house, disco house, vocal house, remixes
DJs: CRAZIBIZA (HU), Don Marquez, Mark Colton
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Friday 21st of October all fans of quality house music will experience literally the musical BOMB. After almost a year Fashion club Prague welcomes the star DJ duo CRAZIBIZA, which has produced dozens of hits and performed hundreds of shows worldwide. Crazibiza will arrive in Prague directly from Amsterdam Dance Event with lot of new music for you and you can look forward to a great musical show!
As support DJs will perform resident DJs of Fashion Club Prague – Don Marquez and Mark Colton!
Crashed into the scene since 2012 already having more than 150 Releases & Remixes on World’s most respected labels (Defected, Ushuaia, Pacha, Ministry of Sound, Hed Kandi) Crazibiza is one of the most creative producer Duo of today. Tagged by Beatport as Best Remixers 2012 / Beatport House Artist No.4 Position in 2014 with 9 times No.1 Beatport House Chart. Running they sexy PornoStar Records label featured over 250 releases up to date. Remixing underground & crossover Artists such as swedish superstar Duo Icona Pop’s, Axwell, Deadmau5, Adele, Akon, Beyonce, Wamdue Project, Barbara Tucker, and many more. They weekly radio show on Music FM 89.5 reaches over 300 000 listeners every Thursday night in they hometown Budapest. In addition to the studio Crazibiza has a killer touring schedule with over 150 dates covering Europe, New Zealand, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Russia, Dubai, Mexico, Argentina, Columbia, and all US cities. Crazibiza hits the US club scene by storm include monthly residency in Las Vegas (Rehab, Body English & Nectar Pool, Hard Rock), and Miami’s finest Bamboo, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, San Diego, Boston, and has summer residency in the world’s best club Space in Ibiza.
FB: www.facebook.com/crazibiza/
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/crazibiza
WEB: http://crazibiza.com/
ENTRY: Man 300,- CZK, Ladies 200,- CZK
MUSIC: house, disco house, vocal house, remixes
DJs: CRAZIBIZA (HU), Don Marquez, Mark Colton
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Friday 21st October 2016
10pm till late
F.Club presents clubbing with style. f.Club teams up with leading stylist, designers and fashionistas around the world to provide free style tips to clubbers as we kick off our inaugural TRÈS CHIC night with Italy’s Next Top model stylist, Milko Grieger. This German-born 30year old talented stylist is making waves in the fashion scene. Milko has been styling for top labels for over 10 years including Giorgio Armani & Dolce & Gabbana. Milko will be armed with the Fashion TV cameras while he doles out style tips. Don’t miss it and join Milko for TRÈS CHIC.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 19th October 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wir gehens am samstag WILD AN !!
Es ist wieder zeit für unsere CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS – KARAOKE SPECIAL !!!!
AB 21:00 geht’s mit unserem Resident MC Frankie Dark-O LOS!!!
Milovníci House Music Pozor! Fashion club Prague si pro vás na sobotu 15. října přichystal lahůdku. Užijte si horečku sobotní noci v nejkrásnějším klubu ve městě a tančete až do rána. Ve Fashion clubu představíme dva sexy DJe, kterými budou DJ Beza a DJ Giacomo. Chybět samozřejmě nebudou ani naše krásné tanečnice, které jsou součástí každé rozjeté párty!
Nezapomeňte, sobota 15. října a ta nejlepší house music po celou noc!
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy ZDARMA, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
DJs: Beza & Giacomo
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
If you like house music, do not miss Saturday night fever at Fashion club Prague on Saturday 15th of October. Dance all night at the prettiest club in town on the roof of the Shopping mall KOTVA! You will enjoy all styles of house music all night long! We will welcome two sexy DJs – Beza and Giacomo who will play the best of house hits at the moment. Do not miss also our beautiful dancers dancing with you till the morning. .
ENTRY: Man 200,- CZK, Ladies FREE, Reservation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
DJs: Beza & Giacomo
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Saturday 15th October
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Let’s party Miami Style for a night!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Es waren grad die heißesten Fashion Weeks und wir waren LIVE DABEI !! Jetzt könnt ihr alles miterleben !
Kommt und bewundert mit uns die Top Designer, ihre neuste Kollektionen und die hübschesten Models..
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Champagner + 1 Luxury Shisha on Ice €130.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Ralph Lauren hat immer eine bewundertswerte Kollektion,
kommt und bewundert die besten Momente mit uns im I Love Fashion Cafe – Fashion TV Love F Cafe ! Auf unseren 4K Videowalls entgeht keinem was
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Champagner + 1 Luxury Shisha on Ice €130.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Saturday 14th October 2016
10pm till late
DiamondVIP special
It’s the time of the month where the Altra DJs take over the decks of F.Club to bring you a night of non-stop mayhem. Join them in a night of sizzling revelry!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (all covers incl. 2 drinks)
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 12th October 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Adress: Náměstí Republiky 8, KOTVA PRAHA 1
Details at: http://www.f-club.cz
Dress Code: ELEGANCE
Line Up
>Don Marquez
>Can Yikmis
Door: 22:00
Jeden 1. Samstag im Monat feiern wir die POP Legende Michael Jackson
MC Frankie Dark-O zeigt uns die besten Hits vom KING OF POP
Unsere Getränke Specials sind natürlich auch dabei !!
—> 1 Fl. Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
—> 1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4Shots €180.-
–> 1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks + 1 Shisha €180.-
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontcafe.com
Saturday 8th October
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Jetzt läuft grad einer der meist begeehrten Fashion Weeks und zwar PARIS Fashion Week !!
Kommt und bewundert mit uns die Top Designer, ihre neuste Kollektionen und die hübschesten Models..
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Champagner + 1 Luxury Shisha on Ice €130.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Opět něco nového přinášíme všem návštěvníkům Fashion club Prague v pátek 7. října. Přivítáme totiž nejenom dva zkušené DJe, ale také 3 sexy houslistky ze skupiny AVVAKEN, které předvedou speciální show s covery těch nejznámějších hitů současnosti. Přijďte si zatančit s námi a užijte si úžasnou hudbu po celou noc. Vaše oko potěší také naše sexy tanečnice, které nesmí chybět na žádné rozjeté párty.
VSTUP: Muži: 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: commercial, house, live music
DJs: Don Marquez, Mark Colton, AVVAKEN (live)
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Something new is ready for you on Friday 7th of October. We will welcome not only two amazing DJs but also live female sexy violinists performing under the name AVVAKEN. They will play alongside our DJs the best covers of hits smashing dance floors right now. You will also enjoy our beautiful dancers and they will please your eyes. Lets party with us and TOUCH THE SKY only in FASHION CLUB!
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Reservation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: commercial, house, live music
DJs: DJs: Don Marquez, Mark Colton, AVVAKEN (live)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Friday & Saturday, 7th and 8th October
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 5th October 2016
9.00pm till late
Line Up: DJ Slick (GER), Sherpa, DJ Ian Sneaks and DJ Elephant
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Biggest Medical party in Prague!
All new and old medical students !! Time to meet up !!
This chance is made for you to get together only one night and ejnoy the night with full of memories and fun.
You can write you name on the event wall and first 100 names will have FREE TICKET to the party.
Where ?
Venue: Fashion Club Prague
One of the biggest and most luxury club of Prague city located in the center of Prague.
Address: Namesty Republic 8, Praha 1
When ?
The best day to party ! Saturday !
The famous and hottest DJs in Prague. Huge chance to see them playing in the stages:
Don Marquez
DJ BlackCloud
DJ Iam Brush
and more..
Music types: RnB/hiphop/commercial party music/rock/electro house
More info will be soon. Stay Tuned!
Organized by Prague Student Chain !!
4 years now with you !!
Es wird HEIß mit DJ RICHI AC und unser MC Frankie Dark-O !
Es ist wieder Zeit für ein HipHop RnB Special
Wir sind wiedermal TOP MOTIVIERT für’s Wochenende und haben auch die BESTEN Getränke SPECIALS für EUCH
10 Rainbow Shots €45.-
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
1 Fl. Jack Daniel’s + 4 Coca-Cola €110.-
Dazu kann man nur JA sagen!!! Das Wochenende muss einfach gefeiert werden
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
In collaboration with SgInstaBabes, we’ve created The Cover Girl Search to find the most beautiful, charming and popular babe to be f.Club’s ambassador!
Commitment Days:
23 September 2016 – 7pm to 9pm (Photoshoot)
28 September 2016 – 7pm to 1am (Preview Show)
1 October 2016 – 7pm to 1am (Finals)
V pátek 30. září přivítáme ve Fashion Club Prague nejenom dva zkušené DJe, ale také saxofonistu, který pro vás předvede živě své umění. Poprvé přivítáme saxofonistu, který si říká SAXOFRANCIS. Přijďte si zatančit s námi a užijte si úžasnou hudbu po celou noc. Vaše oko potěší také naše sexy tanečnice, které nesmí chybět na žádné rozjeté párty.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: commercial, house, live music
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
DJs: Styx & Mark Colton & SAXOFRANCIS (live saxophonist)
On Friday 30th of September, we will welcome not only two amazing DJs but also live saxophonist, who will play this beautiful instrument for you during the night. We will welcome mister SAXOFRANCIS playing for the first time in Fashion club Prague. You will also enjoy our beautiful dancers and they will please your eyes. Lets party with us and TOUCH THE SKY only in FASHION CLUB!
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Reservation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: commercial, house, live music
DJs: Styx & Mark Colton & SAXOFRANCIS (live saxophonist)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Unsere liebe Rachel feiert am Freitag im I Love Fashion Cafe – Fashion TV Love F Cafe ihren GEBURTSTAG !!!
Ihr seits ALLE herzlichst eingeladen mit zu feiern und zu genießen!!
Deejay Mustanol und MC Frankie Dark-O sind LIVE DABEI und geben VOLL GAS!
Kommt und stoßt mit Rachel an ! Kriegt einen GRATIS SHOT als dankeschön !!
Unsere Getränke Specials sind:
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
1 Fl. 1,5l Luxury Vodka + 10 Energy Drinks + 1L Juice €320.-
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 30th September 2016 & Saturday 1st October 2016
10pm till late
Ruby Room special
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège has become established as the world’s favorite VSOP Cognac, and is recognised for its harmonious and well-structured blend.
Influenced by Dr. Dre, Eazy-E , Snoop Dogg, Ice-T, Wu Tang Clan, NOTORIOUS B.I.G., 2 Pac, Busta Rhymes, etc, DJ SLICK has attracted a following of fans in these 10 years where he has DJ-ed in various clubs all over Europe.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 28th September 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Black & White OFFICIAL Erasmus Welcome Party/
Date: Saturday / 24.09.2016
Venue: Fashion Club Prague (Namesty Republic 8, Praha 1)
Do not forget to bring your ID Card or Student Card with you to show at door.
We have a full agenda during the next days, so please take a few minutes to read through the information in this packet. It includes our featuring and other important information. The most prestige and famous club ever in Prague
1000+people, amazing sound system The most amazing student party experience ever in Prague
The largest and unforgettable WELCOME night in Prague with all erasmus students…Gonna never forget that night..tell and invite all your friends to the craziest night in that will take place.
Only once in ERASMUS life with full of impressions.
Never be shy, get ready and use this opportunity to meet and know new people from all over the world, because the rest time will be spent with them!
All students from: ČZU – VŠE – ČVUT – UK – VŠCHT
UNYP – VŠO – UCL- VŠFS – MUP – ESM–in one place only The famous and hottest DJs in Prague. Huge chance to see them playing in the stages:
SEXY GOGO Dancers and HIP-HOP Dance SHOW!
Music types: RnB/hiphop/commercial party music/rock/electro house
Dress code: White and Back (optional)
Do not forget to bring your ISIC with you to show at the door.
Doors open at 22:00
Study hard to Party hard !
More info soon !! Stay Tuned !!
Organized by Prague STUDENT CHAIN
3 years with you !!
Obwohl der Sommer schon vorbei ist feiern wir stehts weiter
Autumn Calling mit Deejay Mustanol und MC Frankie Dark-O !!
Die Beste Musik, die besten Getränke und nur die BESTE Stimmung !
Ab mitternacht geht’s dann mit unserem Midnight Karaoke Special los, kommt uns singt was ihr könnt und kriegt einen GRATIS Shot oder Glass Prosecco für jeden gesungenen Lied.
Unsere Getränke Specials sind:
10 Rainbow Shots €45.-
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks + 1 Shisha on Ice €180.-
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH für einen unvergesslichen Abend +4319457747
Saturday, 24th September 2016
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim. His unique philosophy that music should be always full of surprises, Payday is about getting PAID.
From 10pm till 1am, every cover charge paid entitles you to a PAYOUT envelope featuring one of the following surprises:
1) 1x two-night complimentary stay at the FTV Hotel Bali worth $518
2) 1x complimentary bottle of F.Vodka worth $308
3) 1x complimentary bottle of F.Prosecco worth $188
4) 1x complimentary housepour worth $16
5) A “Try Again” coupon (Priceless)
And we’ve got a GRAND PRIZE consisting of an all-expense paid trip to Bangkok, a VIP table at MIXX Bangkok and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to party with EDDIE PAY!
The fun starts on PAYDAY.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
V pátek 22. září se vrací oblíbená RnB night, tentokrát ve speciální edici. Náš rezidentní DJ BIG KAZ je sice mimo Republiku, ale my jsme Vás nechtěli ochudit o tu nejlepší RnB music, a tak jsme si pozvali dva oblíbené pražské DJe, kteří zajisté předvedou skvělou show! DJ Poeta a DJka LuMichell patří ke stálici pražské RnB a Hip Hop scény a své umění předvedou nyní i ve Fashion club Prague! Buďte i vy u toho v pátek 23. září ve Fashion club Prague.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, rezervace: 100,- CZK
HUDBA: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: Poeta, LuMichell
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Friday, September 22nd, our favorite RnB night will return. This time in a special edition. Our resident DJ BIG KAZ is outside the country, but we did not want to lose out the best RnB music, so we invited two popular Prague DJs certainly perform a great show for you! DJ Poet and DJane LuMichell belong to fixed stars of Prague RnB and Hip Hop scene and they will demonstrate their skills in Fashion club Prague! Come and be there on Friday, 23 September and experience the best RnB music all night long.
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Rezervation: 100,- CZK
MUSIC: RnB, Hip Hop, Commercial
DJs: Poeta, LuMichell
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Jetzt läuft grad einer der meist begeehrten Fashion Weeks und zwar London Fashion Week !!
Kommt und bewundert mit uns die Top Designer, ihre neuste Kollektionen und die hübschesten Models..
DJ RICHI AC legt auf mit Frankie Dark-O an seiner seite! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashio Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday & Saturday, 23rd and 24th September
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 21st September 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wir gehens am samstag WILD AN !!
Es ist wieder zeit für unsere CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS – KARAOKE SPECIAL !!!!
AB 21:00 geht’s mit DJ RICHI AC und unserem Resident MC Frankie Dark-O LOS!!!
Milovníci House Music Pozor! Fashion club Prague si pro vás na sobotu 17. září přichystal lahůdku. Užijte tu nejlepší house music po celou noc v nejkrásnějším klubu ve městě a tančete až do rána. K poslechu a tanci hraje oblíbený DJ GIACOMO.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy ZDARMA, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
If you like house music, do not miss Saturday night at Fashion club Prague on Saturday 17th of September. Dance all night at the prettiest club in town on the roof of the Shopping mall KOTVA! You will enjoy all styles of house music all night long with the popular Prague DJ GIACOMO!
ENTRY: Man 200,- CZK, Ladies FREE, Reservation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
F-NIGHT je zpět a spolu sní i další zahraniční host, kterého přivítáme ve Fashion club Prague! Tentokrát vám představíme italské duo DROP, které patří ke stoupajícím hvězdám italské taneční scény a vystupují na těch nejznámějších a největších festivalech po celé Itálii. Ač se jedná o věkem mladé DJs, za sebou toho mají již skutečně hodně a za zmínku stojí například i vystoupení na Miami Winter Music Conference. Jejich hlavním cílem je dostat do varu skutečně každého a donutit vás skákat, tančit a křičet až do ranních hodin.
Jako support DJs se představí rezidentní DJs Fashion club Prague, DJ Don Marquez, Mark Colton a jako předskokan italský DJ Chris Nine.
MUSIC: House, Commercial, Mash-up, EDM
DJs: DROP (ITALY), Don Marquez, Chris Nine, Mark Colton
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, Rezervace 100,- CZK
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
F-NIGH is back with another international DJ star! This time we will welcome young Italian DJ duo DROP.
“Adrenaline and engaging audience are the reasons they succeed”: their sets are an experience on its own, where music and ravers become one. Born shortly ago, they ran several big EDM events: Miami music conference 2016, Smash The House Festival, Global music festival, Holi Fusion Festival, Reload music festival, Project X Festival. 25 and 25 years old each, Luca and Filippo, two guys in love with the music and the massive EDM festivals all over the world, music brothers separated at birth. Two years in the making, from the first moment it has been magic: deep impact that is how you need to describe them. After only few months, top international Djs are ready to work with them and thousands of people and ravers have been virally reached by their explosiveness and Italian freshness. They’re only at the beginning, growth is the main word, „They set goals and they achieve them”. DROP are ready to give you music to make you jump. Are you ready for them?
As a support DJs we will feature resident DJ of Fashion club Prague – DJ Don Marquez, Mark Colton and Italian DJ Chris Nine.
MUSIC: House, Commercial, Mash-up, EDM
DJs: DROP (ITALY), Don Marquez, Chris Nine, Mark Colton
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Reservation 100.- CZK
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Wir kriegen nicht genug vom singen, deswegen gibt’s diese Woche wieder ein paar Karaoke Specials !!
Kommt und singt mit Top Model Maria Mogsolova und tanzt zur besten Musik von Deejay Mustanol
Zu jedem gesungenen Lied kriegt man ein Fashion Shot oder ein Glass Prosecco auf’s Haus !!!
Worauf wartest du noch?! RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
16th September 2016 – 18th September 2016
10pm till late
Party in style at FashionTV Club with Johnnie Walker® Gold Label Reserve™, the perfect complement to indulgent celebrations. Angie Vu Ha, one of the world’s Top 10 sexiest supermodel DJs, Asia’s #1 Female DJ Leng Yein who will be supported by her sisters MC Leng Sean as part of their act The Leng Sisters. We will also have Rocky Otto, resident deck maestro of the famed Jakarta nightclub, Empirica.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 14th September 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Sunday 11th September 2016
10pm till late
Snap on those rubber gloves and get those heartbeats a-pumping! An apple a day keeps the doctors away but do you really wanna keep the sexy nurses away? Our very own Naughty Nurses with their infectious personalities and flirty company will keep you coming back for more.
Hang on to your patient robes; it’s going to be a heart-stopping ride!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Am Samstag wird GEFEIERT!
Die erste Woche Schule ist VORBEI!!! Woop woop
Wir feiern mit DJ RICHI AC und MC Frankie Dark-O
Hand in Hand mit der BESTEN Musik, der BESTEN Stimmung und natürlich nur die BESTEN Getränke Specials
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
10 Rainbow Shots €45.-
1 Fl. Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
Es wird der HAMMER!!! RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Milovníci House Music Pozor! Fashion club Prague si pro vás na sobotu 10. září přichystal lahůdku. Užijte si horečku sobotní noci v nejkrásnějším klubu ve městě a tančete až do rána. Poprvé se ve Fashion clubu představí DJ Hrusha, který je znám party people po celé České republice a my jsme rádi, že ho konečně budeme moci přivítat i ve Fashion club Prague!
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy ZDARMA, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
DJs: Don Marquez & Hrusha
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
If you like house music, do not miss Saturday night fever at Fashion club Prague on Saturday 10th of September. Dance all night at the prettiest club at town on the roof of the Shopping mall KOTVA! You will enjoy all styles of house music all night long! For the first time in Fashion club we will welcome DJ Hrusha who is very known for his great performances around the Czech Republic.
ENTRY: Man 200,- CZK, Ladies FREE, Reservation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
DJs: Don Marquez & Hrusha
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Saturday 10th September 2016
10pm till late
Ruby room special
Forget twerking, we’re shaking it up Hip Hop style with DJ Domination (USA) alongside DJ Elephant at Ruby!
With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a night of mayhem this weekend. We keep it classy, maybe a little bit nasty, but one thing’s for sure, we’re never trashy.
“Turn to seduction from face, hips to feet,
A wiggle and a jiggle can make the night complete.”
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Stella McCartney ist nicht nur eine Welt bekannte Designerin sondern auch die Tochter von Beatles Legende Paul McCartney !! Ihre Designs sind auf der Welt bekannt und wir freuen uns schon mehr davon zu sehen
Deejay Mustanol legt auf mit Frankie Dark-O an seiner seite! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
Unsere Getränke Specials sind
2 Luxury Shisa on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
V pátek 9. září přivítáme ve Fashion Club Prague nejenom dva zkušené DJe, ale také poprvé bubeníka až z dalekého Senegalu. Jeho jméno je Tapha Faye a věřte, že svým uměním vás dostane do varu. Nenechte si ujít skvělou atmosféru Fashion clubu v kombinaci s africkými rytmy. Přijďte si zatančit s námi a užijte si úžasnou hudbu po celou noc. Vaše oko potěší také naše sexy tanečnice, které nesmí chybět na žádné rozjeté párty.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: commercial, house, live music
DJs: Beza & Xavier J & Tapha Faye (live drummer)
On Friday 9th of September we will welcome not only two amazing DJs but also live drummer from Senegal performing under the name of Tapha Faye. You can be sure that his enthusiasm and drumming skills will force you to dance all night. Do not miss great atmosphere of Fashion club mixed with African rhythms. You will also enjoy our beautiful dancers and they will please your eyes. Lets party with us and TOUCH THE SKY only in FASHION CLUB!
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Reservation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: commercial, house, live music
DJs: Beza & Xavier J & Tapha Faye (live drummer)
Friday 9th September2016
10pm till late
Diamond room special
It’s the time of the month where the Altra DJs take over the decks of F.Club to bring you a night of non-stop mayhem. Join them in a night of sizzling revelry!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (all covers incl. 2 drinks)
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 7th September 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Brithday to you
Happy Birthday dear Masha Happy birthday to you !
Das Top Model Maria Mogsolova feiert morgen Abend bei uns im I Love Fashion Cafe – Fashion TV Love F Cafe ihren GEBURTSTAG !!
Es wird ein unvergesslicher Abend !!
KARAOKE ist angesagt ! Mit MC Frankie Dark-O kanns nur gut werden
Unsere Specials sind:
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
2 Fl. Luxury Champagne + Strawberries €145.-
Reservier JETZT deinen Tisch um ein Teil von Mashas Geburtstag zu sein +4319457747
Celé léto jste mohli vybírat ty nejkrásnější dívky během semifinálových kol. Nyní nastal čas na velké finále, které se odehraje v sobotu 3.9.2016 ve Fashion club Prague. Nenechte si ujít například přehlídky ve spodním prádle nebo v plavkách a především možnost vidět nejkrásnější dívku léta, kterou vybere odborná porota.
Samotný program začíná již ve 21:00 s vyhlášením nejkrásnější dívky léta v 00:00 a následnou after-párty až do ranních hodin.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: ZDARMA, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: commercial, house, RnB
DJs: Mark Colton & Can Yikmis & Saxokid (live saxophonist)
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
You could choose the most beautiful girls in the semifinal rounds throughout the summer and now is the time for the grand finale which will take place on Saturday 3rd of September 2016 in Fashion club Prague . Do not miss the big fashion show in underwear or swimming suits and take the opportunity to see the most beautiful girls of summer selected by a professional jury.
The program itself begins at 21:00 with the announcement of the most beautiful girls of the summer at 00:00, followed by after- party until the early hours.
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: FREE, Reservation 100.- CZK
MUSIC: commercial, house, RnB
DJs: Mark Colton & Can Yikmis & Saxokid (live saxophonist)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Jeden 1. Samstag im Monat feiern wir die POP Legende Michael Jackson
Deejay Mustanol und MC Frankie Dark-O zeigen uns die besten Hits vom KING OF POP
Unsere Getränke Specials sind natürlich auch dabei !!
—> 1 Fl. Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
—> 1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4Shots €180.-
–> 1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks + 1 Shisha €180.-
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontcafe.com
Saturday, 3rd September 2016
10.00pm till late
Diamond VIP Special
It’s The Ship
The world’s 2nd largest EDM cruise festival, and Asia’s largest, IT’S THE SHIP (ITS 2016), will be making a return for its third installment this year. This year The Royal Caribbean International’s luxurious Mariner of the Seas will play host to over 30 international and regional headlining acts.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Září začneme ve velkém stylu. Na první párty v novém měsíci jsme si do Fashion clubu pozvali oblíbeného italského DJe Chris Nine. Chris Nine pochází z Turína, kde vystupuje v klubech od roku 1993. Za sebou tak má velmi dlouhou a úspěšnou kariéru, během které navštívil kluby po celé Itálii nebo například v Egyptě a Řecku. Nyní se poprvé představí ve Fashion club Prague, kde oslaví i své narozeniny speciálním narozeninovým setem.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: commercial, house, RnB
DJs: CHRIS NINE (Italy) & Don Marquez
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
We start month of September in style. For the first party in the new month we invited a popular Italian DJ Chris Nine. Nine Chris comes from Turin, where he appears in clubs since 1993. He has long and successful career during which he visited all important clubs throughout Italy or for example in Egypt and Greece. Now we are ready for his debut at Fashion club Prague where he will also celebrates his birthday with a special birthday set.
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Reservation 100.- CZK
MUSIC: commercial, house, RnB
DJs: CHRIS NINE (Italy) & Don Marquez
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Adriana Lima ist einer der schönsten, Welt bekanntesten Top Models. Wir kriegen nicht genug von ihr und jetzt hat sie ihr eigenes Weekend Special Kommt und genießt die wunderschöne Aussicht
DJ RICHI AC legt auf mit Frankie Dark-O an seiner seite! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
Unsere Getränke Specials sind
2 Luxury Shisa on Ice €60.-
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday & Saturday, 2nd & 3rd September 2016
10.00pm till late
Diamond VIP
Plastik Funk, producers of the UK Singles Chart “Dr. Who” and praised by Avicii at the Winter Music Conference, will be back in Singapore to bring our roofs down.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 31st August 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Léto bylo pořádně horké a plné těch nejlepších mejdanů. Ještě před tím, než nám skončí, tady ale máme poslední letní party ve Fashion klubu! Naši DJs vás rozpálí skvělou hudbou plnou těch nejlepších tracků současnosti a naši barmani vám namíchají letní koktejly, které vás zaručeně osvěží! Nezapomeňte, že poslední party léta končí až se svítáním
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: ZDARMA
HUDBA: commercial, house, remixes
DJs: Styx & Xavier J
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
It was hot summer full of great parties. Before summer 2016 is finish for real, web bring you one last party at Fashion club. Our DJs will force you to dance with the best music of current time and our bartenders will mix refreshing cocktails for you to cool you down! Do not forget that last party of the summer ends after sunrise
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: FREE
MUSIC: commercial, house, remixes
DJs: Styx & Xavier J
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Es wird HEIß mit DJ RICHI AC und unser MC Frankie Dark-O !
Es ist wieder Zeit für ein HipHop RnB Special
Wir sind wiedermal TOP MOTIVIERT für’s Wochenende und haben auch die BESTEN Getränke SPECIALS für EUCH
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
1 Fl. Jack Daniel’s + 4 Coca-Cola €110.-
2 Fashion Champagne €120.-
Dazu kann man nur JA sagen!!! Das Wochenende muss einfach gefeiert werden
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
In collaboration with SgInstaBabes, we’ve created The Cover Girl Search to find the most beautiful, charming and popular babe to be f.Club’s ambassador!
Sign up at http://f-club.sg/covergirl/ by 18 August.
Commitment Days:
20th August – Photoshoot from 7pm-9pm
24th August – Preview Show 7pm – 1am
37th August – Finals 7pm – 1am
V pátek 26. srpna představíme další díl párty s názvem Fashion club live! Tato párty je o umělcích, kteří vystupují živě a bez playbacku. Jedním z takových je i začínající zpěvák vystupující pod jménem Wendelin. Nechte se okouzlit jeho úžasným hlasem, ale i vzhledem, a přijďte si poslechnout, jak živě doprovodí naše DJs! Užijte si s námi úžasnou hudbu po celou noc. Vaše oko potěší také naše sexy tanečnice, které nesmí chybět na žádné rozjeté party.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: commercial, house, live music
DJs: Don Marquez & Peter Wild + WENDELIN (live singer)
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Friday, August 26th, we invite you to another edition of the party named Fashion club live. This party is about artists who perform live and without playback. One of these is the Czech singer performing under the name Wendelin. Let yourself be charmed by his amazing voice and come to listen to his live performance alongside our DJs! Come dance with us and enjoy great music throughout the night. Your eye will also please our sexy dancers that cannot be missed on any wild party.
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Reservation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: commercial, house, live music
DJs: Don Marquez & Peter Wild + WENDELIN (live singer)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Prada ist einer der meist bekannten Marken die jeder kennt.. Wir genießen ein ganzes Wochenende mit den besten Momenten der Firma
Deejay Mustanol legt auf mit Frankie Dark-O an seiner seite! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
Unsere Getränke Specials sind
2 Luxury Shisa on Ice €60.-
1 Fl. Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €180.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 26th August 2016 & Saturday 27th August 2016
10pm till late
Ruby Room special
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège has become established as the world’s favorite VSOP Cognac, and is recognised for its harmonious and well-structured blend.
Influenced by Dr. Dre, Eazy-E , Snoop Dogg, Ice-T, Wu Tang Clan, NOTORIOUS B.I.G., 2 Pac, Busta Rhymes, etc, DJ SLICK has attracted a following of fans in these 10 years where he has DJ-ed in various clubs all over Europe.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 24th August 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wir kennen Ihn und lieben ihn alle !!
DJ RICHI AC feiert am Samstag bei uns seinem Geburtstag!!
Mit MC Frankie Dark-O geht’s AB! Es wird getanzt, getrunken, GEFEIERT bis zum ENDEEEEE!!
Unsere Specials sind:
Rainbow shot special €45.-
2 Fl. Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Luxury Champagne + 1 Luxury Shisha on Ice €130.-
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Saturday 20th August 2016
10pm till late
Ruby room special
Forget twerking, we’re shaking it up Hip Hop style with DJ Domination (USA) alongside DJ Elephant at Ruby!
With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a night of mayhem this weekend. We keep it classy, maybe a little bit nasty, but one thing’s for sure, we’re never trashy.
“Turn to seduction from face, hips to feet,
A wiggle and a jiggle can make the night complete.”
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
and more surprises will be GROUP LA AK-DEMIA . as special guests to encourage more night and be of enjoy it in the night
Venue: Fashion club Prague: Namesty Republic 8, Prague 1
Date: 20.08.2016
The hottest LATINO party in Prague ever
Titanium club brings you a night with a great atmosphere, full of exciting impressions and also full of latin beats.
Take the chance to meet new freinds and learn more and see more performances, feel again great Atmosphere
Be ready for the competition:Two good couple dancers will win a bottle of Wine
Doors open: 22:00
Famous DJs of lovely Prague city will play for us whole night:
Guest & MORO
V pátek 19. srpna přivítáme zpět ve Fashion klubu jedinečného DJe BIG KAZ, který vás roztančí tou nejlepší RnB music. Připravte se na šílenou party plnou těch nejznámějších hitů.
Kdo je DJ BIG KAZ?
BIG KAZ pochází z Velké Británie, kde již od mala začal působit jako DJ na studentských akcích a v různých rádiích. Po přestěhování do ČR začíná jeho kariéra strmě stoupat a v Praze snad není klub, ve kterém by se BIG KAZ neobjevil. My jsme rádi, že ho můžeme pravidelně přivítat i ve Fashion klubu Praha. Mimo ČR a UK BIG KAZ vystupoval v zemích jako Německo, Belgie, Maďarsko, Francie, Slovensko nebo Švédsko.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, rezervace: 100,- CZK
HUDBA: RnB, Hip Hop, Soul, Commercial
DJs: BIG KAZ (UK), Cartoon Boy (RUS)
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Friday 19th of August we welcome back one and only DJ BIG KAZ from UK, who will play for you the best RnB music. Come and enjoy our luxury club combined with the best RnB and Hip Hop music all night long! You can be sure that this night will go wild and crazy!
Who is BIG KAZ?
Here you may read what he said about himself:
I am BIG KAZ and I am an international DJ, Producer, Remixer and Promoter with a great passion for music.
Music has been a lifetime addiction for me. I simply can’t live without music. My musical journey started at a very young age as a dancer in a crew before I turned into a DJ (courtesy of the legendary Jamaican DJ KID DRAGON). From a backup DJ, I went on to start throwing my own house parties and rocking student gigs around the UK before I started banging clubs, carnivals and festivals. My club recognition got me to host a set of radio shows on different radio stations.
BIG KAZ is a recognised name among remixers (making remixes that I use to spice up my sets). Music production, recording facilities and beat making are amongst the services that I can and am happy to provide.
As a party DJ, I have now been rocking events all over Europe for nearly two decades – from the UK (where I started) to Prague/Czech republic (where I am now based), through Germany, Belgium, Hungary, France, Slovakia, Sweden and many more.
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Rezervation: 100,- CZK
MUSIC: RnB, Hip Hop, Soul, Commercial
DJs: BIG KAZ (UK), Cartoon Boy (RUS)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Burberry ist einer der meist bekannten Marken die jeder kennt.. Wir genießen ein ganzes Wochenende mit den besten Momenten der Firma
Deejay Mustanol legt auf mit Frankie Dark-O an seiner seite! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
Unsere Getränke Specials sind
2 Luxury Shisa on Ice €60.-
1 Fl. Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €180.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 19th August 2016
10pm till late
Join us for a night of Pokémon mayhem as we unleash our lures and bring the rare ones to us. Come dressed as a Pokémon or Pokémon-themed for complimentary entry before 12am.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Wednesday, 17th August 2016
9.00pm till late
Diamond room special
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Es steht ENDLICH wiedermal ein laaaaanges Wochenende vor der Tür
Mit Deejay Mustanol und MC Frankie Dark-O geht’s AB!!!!
Wir feiern den Sonntag wie kein anderer
Kommt und feiert mit!
Unsere Getränke Specials sind:
10 Shots €45.-
2 Luxury Shishas on Ice €60.-
1 Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
Dazu kann man nicht nein sagen!!!
Die MOTIVATION steht schon vor der Tür und wir sind BEREITTTT!
Reservier JETZT deinen Tisch +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Wir gehens am samstag WILD AN !!
Es ist wieder zeit für unsere CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS !!
AB 21:00 geht’s mit DJ RICHI AC und unserem Resident MC Frankie Dark-O LOS!!!
2 Flaschen CHAMPAGNER €120
RESERVIERUNGEN UNTER +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Léto, kdo by ho nemiloval. Sice počasí posledních dní neodpovídá datu v kalendáři, ale i tak vám přinášíme letní párty, která vás pořádně zahřeje. Naší zkušení DJs Mark Colton a DJ Styx hrají ty největší letní hyty!
HUDBA: Commercial, remixes, house, RnB
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy ZDARMA, Rezervace 100,- CZK
DJs: Styx & Mark Colton
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Who does not like summer? We all do! Unfortunately weather does not agree with the date in calendar; however, in Fashion club we guarantee you, you will experience the best summer party in town. Our favourite DJs Mark Colton and DJ Styx play the best summer tracks for you.
MUSIC: Commercial, remixes, house, RnB
ENTRY: Man 200,- CZK, Ladies FREE, Reservation 100,- CZK
DJs: Styx & Mark Colton
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Saturday 13th August 2016
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim. His unique philosophy that music should be always full of surprises, Payday is about getting PAID.
From 10pm till 1am, every cover charge paid entitles you to a PAYOUT envelope featuring one of the following surprises:
1) 1x two-night complimentary stay at the FTV Hotel Bali worth $518
2) 1x complimentary bottle of F.Vodka worth $308
3) 1x complimentary bottle of F.Prosecco worth $188
4) 1x complimentary housepour worth $16
5) A “Try Again” coupon (Priceless)
The fun starts on PAYDAY.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
V pátek 12. srpna vás vezmeme k moři a dáme vám ten pravý námořnický trénink! Celý klub změníme v marinu, převlečeme personál do námořnického a námořnicky vyzdobíme i celý klub. Jako vždy můžete před samotnou námořnickou party ochutnat naše skvělé drinky na terase, která je otevřena celý den! Připravte se na námořníky a sexy námořnice a protančete celou noc ve Fashion club Prague.
VSTUP: Páni: 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: vocal house, commercial house, remixes
DJs: Pietro, Don Marquez
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Friday 12th of August we will take you to the sea and give you the true sailor’s workout! The club will be change into the marina. All staff will be in the navy dress and the navy theme will decorate the entire club. As always, our Djs will play awesome music all night long. Before the party itself, you can taste our great drinks on the terrace, which is open all day! Prepare yourself for male and female sailors also as sexy dancers! Dance all night at Fashion club Prague!
ENTRY: Man: 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Rezervation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: vocal house, commercial house, remixes
DJs: Pietro, Don Marquez
Cara Delevingne ist eine der meist begehrten Models, die immer im Mittlepunkt steht und immer weiß wie man eine gute Zeit hat
Deejay Mustanol legt auf mit Frankie Dark-O an seiner seite! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
Unsere Getränke Specials sind
2 Luxury Shisa on Ice €60.-
1 Fl. Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €180.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday, 12th August 2016
10.00pm till late
Our signs are in the stellar night. At f.Club we continue the signature f.Zodiac series of parties with the natural born leaders, Leo. Known to be dramatic, creative self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, Leos can achieve anything they want, whether it’s about work or time spent will family and friends.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Thursday, 11th August 2016
10pm till late
Join us as we deepen the basslines and tweak the trills with DJ Farz, DJ Ian Sneaks and Hypeman T-Fresh. With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a weekday night of mayhem!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: Strictly no slippers
Cover: Entry via first drink
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Wednesday, 10th August 2016
9.00pm till late
Diamond room special
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Monday 8th August 2016
10pm till late
Celebrate the eve of National Day with a themed party that coincides with our national colours. Dress up and choose your sides and battle it out it in our two room special.
Complimentary entry before 12am for all guests dressed up to the theme.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Jeden 1. Samstag im Monat feiern wir die POP Legende Michael Jackson
Mit DJ Frankie Dark-O kann’s nur gut werden
Unsere Getränke Specials sind natürlich auch dabei !!
Es gibt unser Shisha Package, Jack Daniel’s Special, und unser Fashion Champagne Package
—> 1 Luxury shisha on ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
—> 1 Fl. Jack Daniels + 4 Coca-Cola €110.-
–> 2 Premium Champagne €120.-
und ihr?
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontcafe.com
Milovníci House Music Pozor! Fashion club Prague si pro vás na sobotu 6. srpna přichystal lahůdku. Užijte si horečku sobotní noci v nejkrásnějším klubu ve městě a tančete až do rána. K poslechu a tanci hraje DJ GIACOMO.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy ZDARMA, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
If you like house music, do not miss Saturday night fever at Fashion club Prague on Saturday 6th of August. Dance all night at the prettiest club at town on the roof of the Shopping mall KOTVA! You will enjoy all styles of house music all night long!
ENTRY: Man 200,- CZK, Ladies FREE, Reservation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Saturday 8th August 2016
10pm till late
It’s the time of the month where the Altra DJs take over the decks of F.Club to bring you a night of non-stop mayhem. Join them in a night of sizzling revelry!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (all covers incl. 2 drinks)
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Tommy Hilfiger ist einer der meist begehrten Designer, der sich immer in TOP Form hält und immer weiss was die Leute mögen
DJ Frankie Dark-O legt auf! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION und WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG !
Unsere Getränke Specials sind
2 Luxury Shisa on Ice €60.-
1 Fl. Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €180.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
V pátek 5. srpna si užijeme naší oblíbenou a jedinečnou párty BE FASHION! Tentokráte jsme si pozvali naše dva oblíbené DJs, kterými jsou DJ Beza a DJ Mark Colton.
Na co se můžete těšit? Samozřejmostí je skvělá a originální hudba po celou noc. Ne opravdu vám nebudeme hrát to, co se hraje všude jinde! My jsme Fashion club. Jsme jiní. Jsme originální.
Přijďte v pátek večer do Fashion club Prague užít si tu nejlepší taneční párty ve městě! Be stylish, be original, BE FASHION!
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy 100,- CZK
HUDBA: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
DJs: Mark Colton & Beza
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Friday 5th of August we will enjoy our original party called BE FASHION! This time we invited our two favorite DJs, DJ Beza and DJ Mark Colton.
What can you expect? As always we will play the best and original dance music all night long. We really don’t play same music as you can hear everywhere else! We are Fashion club, we are different. We are original.
Come to Fashion club Prague on Saturday night to enjoy the best party in town! Be stylish, be original, BE FASHION!
ENTRY: Man 200,- CZK, Ladies 100,- CZK
MUSIC: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
DJs: Mark Colton & Beza
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Friday 5th August 2016
10pm till late
“You can wear black at any time. You can wear it at any age. You may wear it for almost any occasion.” — Christian Dior
Black. Colour of mystery and mortality, Anna Wintour hates it, while Abercrombie & Fitch banned employees from wearing it in their stores. For many though, black continues to be the anchor of style.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Thursday, 4th August 2016
10pm till late
Join us as we deepen the basslines and tweak the trills with DJ Farz, DJ Ian Sneaks and Hypeman T-Fresh. With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a weekday night of mayhem!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: Strictly no slippers
Cover: Entry via first drink
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Wednesday, 3th August 2016
9.00pm till late
Diamond room special
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
It’s summer time and the living is easy…..
Am 30. Juli feiern wir den Sommer mit Deejay Mustanol und MC Frankie Dark-O !!
Es wird heiß ! Es wird Wild und natürlich wird’s unvergesslich
Unsere Getränke specials sind:
1 Luxury shisha on Ice + 4 Energy drinks €45,.
2 Fl. Fashion Champagner €120.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks + 1 Shisha on Ice €180.-
Dazu kann man nur WOW sagen
Reservier JETZT deinen Tisch !!! +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
In collaboration with SgInstaBabes, we’ve created The Cover Girl Search to find the most beautiful, charming and popular babe to be f.Club’s ambassador!
Simply sign up at http://www.f-club.sg/covergirl/
Commitment Days
23 July – Photoshoot at 7pm
27 July – Covergirl Preview and Rehersals from 7pm – 1am
30 July – Covergirl Finals and Rehersals from 7pm – 1am.
In collaboration with SgInstaBabes, we’ve created The Cover Girl Search to find the most beautiful, charming and popular babe to be f.Club’s ambassador! Party, cheer and interact with the 10 gorgeous contestants as guest international act DJ SLICK (GER) takes to the stage.
General Details
Date: Saturday, 25th June 2016
Time: 9pm till late
Venue: f.Club Singapore
● Cover: $30 for men & ladies (incl. of 2 drinks and 1 voting sticker)
● Age Limit: Ladies 18+ / Men 21+ (ID required)
● Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
● Club Rules: F-club.sg/hp/about/club-rules/
Support Your Favourite Contestant!!
Want your favourite girl to win? Here’s how you can help them.
Paste your voting stickers beside your favourite contestant on the voting board. Here’s how to get your voting stickers (stickers valid from 9 to 11.30pm only):
● Cover charge: 1 voting sticker
● Table reservation: 10 voting stickers
● Sofa reservation: 30 voting stickers
● JUNE 2016 SPECIAL: Download DateTix on your smartphone, flash the app on your phone to the DateTix babes and get one voting sticker!
Also, take photos of/with your favourite girl and post it on Instagram to give her points. Rules:
● Photo must be taken in f.Club 9pm to 11.30pm on 25 June
● Photo must tag the contestant, @sginstababes and @fclubsg
● Your profile must be public
Table & Sofa Reservations
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Karlie Kloss ist eine ware schönheit ! So eine wunderschöne Aussicht genießt jeder Sie ist nicht nur wunderschön sonder auch Klug und engagiert!
Deejay Mustanol legt auf! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION, WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG und natürlich MC Frankie Dark-O
Unsere Getränke Specials sind
1 Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
2 Fl. Fashion Champagne €120.-
1 fl. Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 1 Shisha on Ice €180.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 29th July 2016 & Saturday 30th July 2016
10pm till late
Ruby Room special
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège has become established as the world’s favorite VSOP Cognac, and is recognised for its harmonious and well-structured blend. This year saw the release of its limited edition bottle which will be available exclusively at F.Club during Henessy Nights.
Influenced by Dr. Dre, Eazy-E , Snoop Dogg, Ice-T, Wu Tang Clan, NOTORIOUS B.I.G., 2 Pac, Busta Rhymes, etc, DJ SLICK has attracted a following of fans in these 10 years where he has DJ-ed in various clubs all over Europe.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
▾ for ENG text scroll down ▾
Vždycky je lepší mít nadhled…
Letos v červenci přícházíme opět s něčím novým! Přidejte se k nám na dvoudenní letní zážitek umocněný hudbou, skvělým pitím a bezkonkurenčním výhledem a to hned na dvou krásných pražských střechách přímo v srdci Starého města!
Pátek 29. 7. – Dejte si po práci chill out s drinkem na střeše pětihvězdičkového hotelu s úžasným výhledem na okolní střechy a věže včetně ikonického Pražského hradu!
Sobota 30. 7. – Uvolněte své smysly v příjemném rytmu lounge music a protančete se až k západu slunce na jedné z největších pražských střešních teras.
Vstupenky: https://goo.gl/OcIWw8
Místa konání: Hotel InterContinental a Fashion Club
Hudba • Západy slunce • Drinky • Jedinečný výhled
It only gets better from the top…
This July we are back with something new! Join us on a 2-day summer experience enhanced with music, drinks and unbeatable views on 2 beautiful Prague rooftops in the heart of Old Town!
Friday 29/7 – Chill out gathering with Afterwork drinks on the stunning rooftop of a 5-star hotel with wonderful views over the city roofs and spires or the iconic Prague castle!
Saturday 30/7 – Let your senses relax with the lounge vibes and finish up dancing into the sunset at one of Prague’s largest roof terrace.
Tickets: https://goo.gl/OcIWw8
Venues: Hotel InterContinental & Fashion Club
Music • Sunsets • Drinks • Unbeatable views.
Thursday, 21st July 2016
10pm till late
Come down to DiamondVip as we celebrate the launch of our weekly Thursday night – GOT BROADS?
Join us as we deepen the basslines and tweak the trills with DJ Farz, DJ Ian Sneaks and Hypeman T-Fresh. With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a weekday night of mayhem!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: Strictly no slippers
Cover: Entry via first drink
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Kommt und genißt den Sommer mit uns direkt nach der Arbeit
Wir holen das gewisse Sommer Feeling zu uns ins Cafe mit unserem Fashion Beach Special…
Mit den besten Beach Sounds von Manuel Petrik und kühlende Getränke von Strongbow kanns garnicht besser werden … oder doch??
IHR könnt Goodies von STRONGBOW GEWINNEN und vieles mehr
Unser Special 3+1 GRATIS auf ALLE Strongbow Flaschen darf natürlich auch nicht fehlen
Ab 17:00 geht’s LOS! Unser Prosecco Special für die Ladies darf natürlich auch nicht fehlen von 16:00-20:00 GRATIS PROSECCO
Wednesday, 27th July 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
In summer everybody feels good. And you will feel even better in Fashion club Prague. Warm up on terrace with great view, live DJs and move later to the club to dance until the sunrise with the best house music in your ears.
Saturday 23rd of July would be dedicated to house music only. We play all kinds of house music from vocal to popular EDM tracks. Dance till die all night long with our DJs and sexy dancers.
ENTRY: Man 200,- CZK, Ladies FREE
MUSIC: vocal house, electro house, funky house, commercial house, deep house
DJs: Beza & Mark Colton
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
V létě se každý cítí dobře. A budete se cítit ještě lépe v sobotu 23. července ve Fashion club Prague. Připravte se na večer na naší terase s krásným výhledem a DJs a následně se přesuňte do klubu, kde můžete tančit až do východu slunce s nejlepší house music ve vašich uších .
Sobota 23. července bude zasvěcena house music. Budeme hrát všechny druhy tohoto velmi populárního hudebního žánru. Od vocal house po v současnosti velmi populární EDM. Protančete celou noc s našimi DJs a sexy tanečnicemi.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy ZDARMA
HUDBA: vocal house, electro house, funky house, commercial house, deep house
DJs: Beza & Mark Colton
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Es ist HEIß und wir sind bereit zum FEIERN!
DJ RICHI AC Heizt das Café ordentlich auf mit den besten Beats
MC Frankie Dark-O ist natürlich auch dabei und MOTIVIERT bis in die frühen morgen Stunden hinein
Unsere Getränke Specials sind:
2 Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
1 Fl Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
Bei solchen Specials weiß man einfach, dass die Nacht gut wird
Saturday 23th July 2016
10pm till late
DiamondVIP Special
This June marks the sixth edition of Heavy Hitters!
Indulge in our premium bottle service in a fashionable ambiance.
During the night you will be pampered by our white gloved service. Our sexy bunny VIP butlers will be there to serve exclusively your table. ONLY at Diamond VIP!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
V pátek 22. července přivítáme zpět ve Fashion klubu jedinečného DJe Kaz D, který vás roztančí tou nejlepší RnB music. Připravte se na šílenou party plnou těch nejznámějších hitů.
Kdo je DJ Kaz D?
Kaz D pochází z Velké Británie, kde již od mala začal působit jako DJ na studentských akcích a působit v různých rádiích. Po přestěhování do ČR začíná jeho kariéra strmě stoupat a v Praze snad není klub, ve kterém by se Kaz D neobjevil. My jsme rádi, že ho můžeme pravidelně přivítat i ve Fashion klubu Praha. Mimo ČR a UK Kaz D vystupoval v zemích jako Německo, Belgie, Maďarsko, Francie, Slovensko nebo Švédsko.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, rezervace: 100,- CZK
HUDBA: RnB, Hip Hop, Soul, Commercial
DJs: Kaz D (UK), G-Sign (RUS)
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Friday 22nd of July we welcome back one and only DJ Kaz D from UK, who will play for you the best RnB music. Come and enjoy our luxury club combined with the best RnB and Hip Hop music all night long! You can be sure that this night will go wild and crazy!
Who is Kaz D?
Here you may read what he said about himself:
I am KAZ D. and I am an international DJ, Producer, Remixer and Promoter with a great passion for music.
Music has been a lifetime addiction for me. I simply can’t live without music. My musical journey started at a very young age as a dancer in a crew before I turned into a DJ (courtesy of the legendary Jamaican DJ KID DRAGON). From a backup DJ, I went on to start throwing my own house parties and rocking student gigs around the UK before I started banging clubs, carnivals and festivals. My club recognition got me to host a set of radio shows on different radio stations.
KAZ D. is a recognised name among remixers (making remixes that I use to spice up my sets). Music production, recording facilities and beat making are amongst the services that I can and am happy to provide.
As a party DJ, I have now been rocking events all over Europe for nearly two decades – from the UK (where I started) to Prague/Czech republic (where I am now based), through Germany, Belgium, Hungary, France, Slovakia, Sweden and many more.
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Rezervation: 100,- CZK
MUSIC: RnB, Hip Hop, Soul, Commercial
DJs: Kaz D (UK), G-Sign (RUS)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Am Freitag wird’s HEISS mit Deejay Mustanol und unserem MC Frankie Dark-O !!
Was euch erwartet ?!?! Die beste Musik — die BESTEN Getränke und vieeeeles mehr
Unsere Specials sind:
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
2 Fl. Fashion Champagner €120.-
1 Fl Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks + 1 Luxury Shisha €180.-
Nur vom Lesen wächst die MOTIVATION!
Reservier JETZT noch deinen Tisch!!! +4319457747
Friday & Saturday, 22nd & 23rd July 2016
10pm till late
DiamondVIP Special
Richard Grey
For almost two decades, the legendary DJ and house music producer Richard Grey has created some of the most memorable dance tracks known to man. Originally from France, Richard played a massive part in developing the “French Touch” style in the latter half of the 1990s. He has a dizzying array of productions and collaborations with some of the biggest labels around including Spinnin’, Subliminal, G-High, Ultra Bass, Pacha, Pornostar, House Session Germany. He has worked with some of the most talented names in the industry such as Shakira, Erick Morillo, Armand Van Helden, Junior Jack, Harry Romero, Jose Nunez, Antoine Clamaran, Robbie Rivera, and Yves Larock to name a few.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Thirsty Thursday heisst es diesen Donnerstag wieder bei uns im FashionTV Café und nicht nur das:
Es wird HEISS mit den besten Beats von DJ MATTA.
Und bei diesen Getränke Specials bleibt ihr bestimmt nicht durstig…
2 Fashion Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
1 Jack Daniel’s + 4 Coca Cola €110.-
Wie kann man dazu nein sagen ?!?!?!
RESERVIERE JETZT deinen Tisch +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Thursday, 21st July 2016
10pm till late
Come down to DiamondVip as we celebrate the launch of our weekly Thursday night – GOT BROADS?
Join us as we deepen the basslines and tweak the trills with DJ Farz, DJ Ian Sneaks and Hypeman T-Fresh. With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a weekday night of mayhem!
Got Broads Thursday Promotion
Vodka & Red Bull Red – $10 nett/glass
Vodka & 4 cans of Red Bull Red – $150 nett/bottle
Moet & Chandon (75cl) – $150 nett/bottle
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: Strictly no slippers
Cover: Entry via first drink
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Wednesday, 20th July 2016
9.00pm till late
Eat Play Surf
From the mountains of Queensland to the foothills of Bali, and desert island hideaways to spectacular wild walks in Tasmania, Eat Play Surf has something for everyone.
Started in 2012, Eat Play Surgf’s in-depth travel experience allows us to focus on providing exclusive island resort getaways and tailor-made vacations within Southeast Asia and the Maldives that are off the beaten track, and away from the usual tourist trails.
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am) and walk away with $400 worth of travel credits from Eat Play Surf.
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Back to Basics mit DJ RICHI AC and MC Frankie Dark-O !!!
Das heiße Wetter genißen wir mit den besten kühlenden Getränke Specials !!
1 Fl. Fashion Vdoka + 8 Energy Dirnks + 4 Shots €100.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks €150.-
1 Fl. Jack Daniels + 4 Coca Cola €110.-
Da kann man sich nur freuen
Kommt und feiert das Wochenede mit uns!
Reservier JETZT deinen Tisch +4319457747
Vypravte se s Fashion club Prague a Finlandia Coconut do slunného Karibiku. Nenechte si ujít celodenní program, který začneme na naší jedinečné terase a poté protančíme celou noc v nejkrásnějším klubu v Praze a to až do svítání. Čekají na vás skvělí DJs, sexy karibské tanečnice a v neposlední řadě představení novinky na trhu mezi vodkami – Finlandia Coconut.
Sladká, smetanová, máslová, ořechová. Taková je nová vodka Finlandia coconut. Užijte si tropického požitku na tvé cestě k vodce. Tato kokosová vodka se vyrábí pouze z přírodních surovin: průzračné ledovcové pramenité vody, přirozeně filtrované přes ledovcovou morénu a výhradně z nejlepšího šestiřadého ječmene, který se vyznačuje nejnižším možným obsahem přírodních mastných olejů.
Ochutnejte samotnou Finlandia coconut nebo si nechte od barmanů připravit speciální drink z této vodky.
VSTUP PO 22. HODINĚ: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy ZDARMA
HUDBA: Deep house, commercial, RnB
DJs: Giacomo & Mark Colton
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Travel with Fashion club Prague and Finladia Coconut to sunny Caribbean. Do not miss amazing program all day at our sunny terrace and then dance till sunrise at the most amazing club in Prague. Enjoy the greatest music from our DJs and dance with sexy Caribbean dancers. During the day we will introduce new Finlandia Coconut and you may try some of the amazing cocktails made from this new vodka.
When you’re looking for crisp, clean vodka with a subtle twist of island-inspired flavor, Finlandia Coconut can deliver everything you crave.
Boasting a unique 200-step distillation process that guarantees a pure experience, drinkers can appreciate a deliciously smooth beverage perfect for mixing, sipping, or both.
With a creamy coconut finish reminiscent of cheesecake, Finlandia Coconut is the perfect addition to any connoisseur’s collection.
ENTRY AFTER 22:00: Man 200,- CZK, Ladies FREE
MUSIC: Deep house, commercial, RnB
DJs: Giacomo & Mark Colton
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Saturday 16th July 2016
10pm till late
Be dapper and suit up this Saturday night! Sip some fine cocktails and jiggy the night away.
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (all covers incl. 2 drinks)
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
V pátek 16. července přivítáme ve Fashion Club Prague nejenom dva zkušené DJe, ale také saxofonistu, který pro vás předvede živě své umění. Přijďte si zatančit s námi a užijte si úžasnou hudbu po celou noc. Vaše oko potěší také naše sexy tanečnice, které nesmí chybět na žádné rozjeté párty.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: commercial, house, live music
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
DJs: Xavier J & Andy Road & SAXOKID (live saxophonist)
On Friday 15th of July, we will welcome not only two amazing DJs but also live saxophonist, who will play this beautiful instrument for you during the night. You will also enjoy our beautiful dancers and they will please your eyes. Lets party with us and TOUCH THE SKY only in FASHION CLUB!
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Reservation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: commercial, house, live music
DJs: Xavier J & Andy Road & SAXOKID (live saxophonist)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Gisele Bündchen ist eine ware schönheit ! So eine wunderschöne Aussicht genießt jeder
DJ RICHI AC legt auf! Mit dabei sind MOTIVATION, WOCHENEND PARTY STIMMUNG und natürlich MC Frankie Dark-O
Unsere Getränke Specials sind
1 Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
2 Fl. Fashion Champagne €120.-
1 fl. Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 1 Shisha on Ice €180.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Friday 15th July 2016
10pm till late
Forget twerking, we’re shaking it up Hip Hop style with DJ Domination (USA) alongside DJ Elephant at Ruby!
With the hottest mash ups of RnB and Hip Hop, pulsating beats and fist pumpin’ tunes, brace yourselves for a night of mayhem this weekend. We keep it classy, maybe a little bit nasty, but one thing’s for sure, we’re never trashy.
“Turn to seduction from face, hips to feet,
A wiggle and a jiggle can make the night complete.”
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (all covers incl. 2 drinks)
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Thirsty Thursday heisst es diesen Donnerstag wieder bei uns im FashionTV Café und nicht nur das:
Es wird HEISS mit den besten Beats von DJ BALE.
Und bei diesen Getränke Specials bleibt ihr bestimmt nicht durstig…
2 Fashion Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
1 Jack Daniel’s + 4 Coca Cola €110.-
Wie kann man dazu nein sagen ?!?!?!
RESERVIERE JETZT deinen Tisch +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Thursday, 14th July 2016
10pm till late
Come down to DiamondVip and shake your booty on open format tunes all night: Top 40s, HipHop, R&B, EDM with DJ Sherpa and DJ Ian Sneaks!
Red Thursday promotions
Vodka/Red Bull Red – $10 nett/glass
Vodka// 4 Red Bull Red can – $150 nett/bottle
Moet & Chandon (75cl) – $150 nett/bottle
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: Strictly no slippers
Cover: Entry via first drink
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Kommt und genißt den Sommer mit uns direkt nach der Arbeit
Wir holen das gewisse Sommer Feeling zu uns ins Cafe mit unserem Fashion Beach Special…
Mit den besten Beach Sounds vom TOP DJ Manuel Petrik und kühlende Getränke von Strongbow kanns garnicht besser werden … oder doch??
IHR könnt Goodies von STRONGBOW GEWINNEN und vieles mehr
Unser Special 3+1 GRATIS auf ALLE Strongbow Flaschen darf natürlich auch nicht fehlen
Ab 17:00 geht’s LOS! Unser Prosecco Special für die Ladies darf natürlich auch nicht fehlen von 16:00-20:00 GRATIS PROSECCO
Wednesday, 13th July 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Ihr könnt euch jetzt schon den SONNTAG frei halten denn wir zeigen das FINALE END SPIEL DER UEFA EURO 2016 !!!
Wer kommt in die Endrunde ???
Wer wird UEFA EURO CHAMPION 2016 ?!?!?!
Mit dabei sind Coca-Cola und DJ RICHI AC !!! Coca Cola löscht natürlich den durst
Es gibt TOP Coca Cola Goodies zu Gewinnen sowohl auch unser COLA GETRÄNKE SPECIAL
1 Fl. Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey + 4 Coca Cola um NUR €110.-
Es wird eine unvergessliche Nacht die ihr nicht verpassen solltet
RUF JETZT AN! +4319457747
Venu: Fashion club Prague
Date: 9th July / SATURDAY
For table reservations contact number: JUST 3 tables left !
+420 777 770 238
Cill out at FAshion club TERRACE !!
DJ Laky Ljuk
DJ Brush
Doors open at: 22:00
Es wird HEIß mit Deejay Mustanol !
Es ist wieder Zeit für ein HipHop RnB Special
Wir sind wiedermal TOP MOTIVIERT für’s Wochenende und haben auch die BESTEN Getränke SPECIALS für EUCH
2 Fl. Fashion Prosecco €80.-
1 Fl. Fashion Vodka + 4 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €100.-
1 Fl. Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Shots €180.-
Dazu kann man nur JA sagen!!! Das Wochenende muss einfach gefeiert werden
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Saturday 9th July 2016
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Let the countdown to the finals of the Euro Cup start in F.Club this Saturday night. Come dressed in colours that your favorite team represents and you might just walk away with prizes if they win!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
V pátek 8. července si užijeme naší oblíbenou a jedinečnou párty BE FASHION! Residentní DJ Don Marquez si tentokráte pozval oblíbeného DJe a sex symbol, kterým je DJ Beza.
Na co se můžete těšit? Samozřejmostí je skvělá a originální hudba po celou noc. Ne opravdu vám nebudeme hrát to, co se hraje všude jinde! My jsme Fashion club. Jsme jiní. Jsme originální.
Přijďte v pátek večer do Fashion club Prague užít si tu nejlepší taneční párty ve městě! Be stylish, be original, BE FASHION!
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy 100,- CZK, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
DJs: Don Marquez & Beza
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Friday 8th of July we will enjoy our original party called BE FASHION! Our resident DJ Don Marquez will welcome popular DJ and sexsymbol between Prague DJs – DJ Beza.
What can you expect? As always we will play the best and original dance music all night long. We really don’t play same music as you can hear everywhere else! We are Fashion club, we are different. We are original.
Come to Fashion club Prague on Friday night to enjoy the best party in town! Be stylish, be original, BE FASHION!
ENTRY: Man 200,- CZK, Ladies 100,- CZK, Reservation 100,- CZK
MUSIC: vocal house, commercial house, remixes, deep house
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Friday 8th July 2016
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Join our resident-at-large DJ Eddie Pay (GER) as he dishes out his revolutionary brand of EDM. Hailing from Germany, his sound is designed to be hard hitting. Renowned for his rapid mixing, Eddie has performed all around Asia to critical acclaim. His unique philosophy that music should be always full of surprises, Payday is about getting PAID.
From 10pm till 1am, every cover charge paid entitles you to a PAYOUT envelope featuring one of the following surprises:
1) 1x two-night complimentary stay at the FTV Hotel Bali worth $518
2) 1x complimentary bottle of F.Vodka worth $308
3) 1x complimentary bottle of F.Prosecco worth $188
4) 1x complimentary housepour worth $16
5) A “Try Again” coupon (Priceless)
The fun starts on PAYDAY.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Thirsty Thursday heisst es diesen Donnerstag wieder bei uns im FashionTV Café und nicht nur das:
Es wird HEISS mit den besten Beats von DJ BALE.
Und bei diesen Getränke Specials bleibt ihr bestimmt nicht durstig…
2 Fashion Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
1 Jack Daniel’s + 4 Coca Cola €110.-
Wie kann man dazu nein sagen ?!?!?!
RESERVIERE JETZT deinen Tisch +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Wednesday, 6th July 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Tuesday 5th July 2016
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
You’ve all been very naughty! The f.Club discipline masters and mistress have been watching all your debauchery and tease. Now they have something in stall for all you boys & girls!
We don’t wanna go to school, we just wanna break the rules!
Come in your BEST school girl outfit, get spotted and the best dressed wins a bottle of F.Luxury Vodka worth $308!
Don’t be late for Detention, or you’ll get a spanking from the F.Discipline Mistress/Masters.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
JOURNEY OF SOUND x FASHION CLUB present Balaton Sound Festival Kick-Off
Doors: 21h
Use elevator at this address: Shopping mall Kota/ Náměstí Republiky 8 /110 00 Prague 1
Rooftop session 21h-22h with Dj’s & Live band CCTV Allstars. Ready for Eddy Allen?
Dinner at the rooftop.
LINE UP with Belgian Journey Of Sound Dj’s:
Balaton Sound festival program: http://nl.balatonsound.com/programma
Jeden 1. Samstag im Monat feiern wir die POP Legende Michael Jackson
Mit DJ MUSTANOL kann’s nur gut werden
Unsere Getränke Specials sind natürlich auch dabei !!
1 Luxury Shisa on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
1 Flasche Luxury Champagne + 1 Luxury Shisha on Ice €130.-
«« 1,5L Luxury Codka + 10 Energy Drinks + 1l Juice €320 !!!!
und ihr?
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontcafe.com
Saturday 2nd July 2016
10pm till late
Diamond VIP Special
It’s the time of the month where the Altra DJs take over the decks of F.Club to bring you a night of non-stop mayhem. Join them in a night of sizzling revelry!
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (all covers incl. 2 drinks)
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Mens Fashion Week kann einfach nur köstlich werden mit der heißesten Aussicht überhaupt
Unsere Getränke Specials sind
2 fl. Fashion Luxury Prosecco €80.-
1 fl. Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Rainbow Shots €100.-
1 fl. Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Rainbow Shots €180.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Léto je zde a my ho začneme ve velkém stylu. První červencový pátek vám představíme DJe, který má za sebou vystoupení po celém světe, mimo jiné v Dubaji, Hongkongu, na Ibize, na Bali a v mnoha dalších exotických zemích. V pátek 1. července se poprvé ve Fashion club Prague představí DJ Tobias Sabido. Tobias se ve světe DJingu pohybuje více jak 10 let a jak již bylo řečeno, vystupuje převážně v luxusních klubech po celém světě. Jeho domovem mu je nyní Crystal klub v Doha, Katar. Těšte se na nezapomenutelnou atmosféru, kterou Tobias vykouzlí směsicí house a RnB music.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: commercial, house, RnB
DJs: Tobias Sabido & Don Marquez
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Ladies and Gentleman. On Friday 1st of July we present you DJ Tobias Sabido. Tobias is one of the most successful Slovak DJs. His passion for DJing evolved in 2000 when he started as a DJ mostly at underground parties in Europe. In his sets you can find various elements of house music (deep, tech, vocal). During his career this DJ has played in many destinations around the world such as Switzerland, Qatar, Maldives, Dubai, Hong Kong, Barcelona, Bali, Abu Dhabi, Austria, Slovakia…
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Reservation 100.- CZK
MUSIC: commercial, house, RnB
DJs: Tobias Sabido & Don Marquez
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Friday 1st July 2016
10pm till late
f.Club Singapore
Complimentary entry for all EU and British citizens before 12am with valid ID or passport.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Thirsty Thursday heisst es diesen Donnerstag wieder bei uns im FashionTV Café und nicht nur das:
Es wird HEISS mit den besten Beats von DJ MATTA.
Und bei diesen Getränke Specials bleibt ihr bestimmt nicht durstig…
2 Fashion Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
1 Jack Daniel’s + 4 Coca Cola €110.-
Wie kann man dazu nein sagen ?!?!?!
RESERVIERE JETZT deinen Tisch +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Thursday, 30th June 2016
10pm till late
Come down to DiamondVip and shake your booty on open format tunes all night: Top 40s, HipHop, R&B, EDM with DJ Sherpa!
Red Thursday promotions
Vodka/Red Bull Red – $10 nett/glass
Vodka// 4 Red Bull Red can – $150 nett/bottle
Moet & Chandon (75cl) – $150 nett/bottle
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: Strictly no slippers
Cover: Entry via first drink
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Wednesday, 29th June 2016
9.00pm till late
Diamond room special
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 3am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers
Cover: Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
▾ for ENG text scroll down ▾
Jednou z nejlepších letních aktivit je bezpochyby letní kino. Jakmile po příjemném odpoledni v Praze zapadne slunce, nechte se vtáhnout do děje na plátně a pomalu upíjejte ze svého drinku ovíváni letním vánkem.
Neděle 26. 6. 2016
Start ve 14:00, začátek projekce Forrest Gump v 19:00.
Film bude v anglickém znění s českými titulky.
Welcome drink od Kingswood, barbecue, DJ, zábava a Instagraf budou pro vás připraveny od 14:00. Živé vysílání dvou zápasů fotbalového EURO 2016 od 15:00 na plátně. Přijďte si užít odpoledne z vrcholu.
Místo konání: Fashion club Restaurant & Terrace
Vstupenky: https://goo.gl/ms2Ubb
Kapacita je omezena na 200 osob.
Nothing says summer more than seeing a movie outdoors, caressed by warm breezes while sipping a drink as the sun sets on another beautiful afternoon in Prague.
Sunday 26.6.2016
Doors open at 2PM with Forrest Gump screening starting at 7PM.
The movie will be shown in English with Czech subtitles.
Welcome drink from Kingswood, barbecue, DJ, Entertainment and Instagraf will be ready for you from 2pm. Live screening of EURO 2016 France vs Ireland match at 3PM. Come to enjoy it from the top!
Venue: Fashion club Restaurant & Terrace
Tickets: https://goo.gl/vIB0to
Capacity is limited to 200 guests
Bounce, Baby! Diesen Samstag gibt es wieder die besten Hip Hop & RnB Beats im FashionTV Café.
Mit DJ MUSTANOL geht’s AB!! Er weiß wie man FEIERT
Unsere Getränke Specials sind:
1 Luxury Shisha on Ice + 4 Energy Drinks €45.-
10 Rainbow Shots €45.-
1 Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Rainbow Shots €100.-
Hip Hop & RnB Fans sind hier genau richtig! Denn es wird HEIß ! Es wird WILD und UNVERGESSLICH
RESERVIER JETZT DEINEN TISCH +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Srdečně vás zveme na zahajovací první semifinálové kolo Miss Léta 2016 – ve Fashion Clubu. Představíme vám prvních 12 semifinalistek, které se utkají v boji o korunky krásy a postup do finále. Těšit se můžete na promenádu v plavkách a prádle, módní přehlídku originálních luxusních modelů a spoustu zábavy. Vstup do 22:00h zdarma.
In collaboration with SgInstaBabes, we’ve created The Cover Girl Search to find the most beautiful, charming and popular babe to be f.Club’s ambassador! Party, cheer and interact with the 10 gorgeous contestants as guest international act DJ SLICK (GER) takes to the stage.
General Details
Date: Saturday, 25th June 2016
Time: 9pm till late
Venue: f.Club Singapore
● Cover: $30 for men & ladies (incl. of 2 drinks and 1 voting sticker)
● Age Limit: Ladies 18+ / Men 21+ (ID required)
● Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
● Club Rules: F-club.sg/hp/about/club-rules/
Support Your Favourite Contestant!!
Want your favourite girl to win? Here’s how you can help them.
Paste your voting stickers beside your favourite contestant on the voting board. Here’s how to get your voting stickers (stickers valid from 9 to 11.30pm only):
● Cover charge: 1 voting sticker
● Table reservation: 10 voting stickers
● Sofa reservation: 30 voting stickers
● JUNE 2016 SPECIAL: Download DateTix on your smartphone, flash the app on your phone to the DateTix babes and get one voting sticker!
Also, take photos of/with your favourite girl and post it on Instagram to give her points. Rules:
● Photo must be taken in f.Club 9pm to 11.30pm on 25 June
● Photo must tag the contestant, @sginstababes and @fclubsg
● Your profile must be public
Table & Sofa Reservations
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Michael Kors ist einer der meist begehrten Designers und ihr könnt seine Kreationen bei uns bewundern
Unsere Getränke Specials sind
2 fl. Fashion Luxury Prosecco €80.-
1 fl. Fashion Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Rainbow Shots €100.-
1 fl. Luxury Vodka + 8 Energy Drinks + 4 Rainbow Shots €180.-
Wie kann man zu so einem TOP Wochenend start nein sagen ?!?!?!
+4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
V pátek 24 června přivítáme ve Fashion Club Prague nejenom dva zkušené DJe, ale také saxofonistu, který pro vás předvede živě své umění. Přijďte si zatančit s námi a užijte si úžasnou hudbu po celou noc. Vaše oko potěší také naše sexy tanečnice, které nesmí chybět na žádné rozjeté párty.
VSTUP: Muži 200,- CZK, Dámy: 100,- CZK, Rezervace 100,- CZK
HUDBA: commercial, house, live music
DJs: Can Yikmis & Don Marquez & SAXOKID (live)
Rezervujte si svůj stůl na telefonu +420 777 770 238 nebo přes email clubreservation@f-club.cz
On Friday 24th of June, we will welcome not only two amazing DJs but also live saxophonist, who will play this beautiful instrument for you during the night. You will also enjoy our beautiful dancers and they will please your eyes. Lets party with us and TOUCH THE SKY only in FASHION CLUB!
ENTRY: Men 200,- CZK, Ladies: 100,- CZK, Reservation 100.- CZK
MUSIC: commercial, house, live music
DJs: Can Yikmis & Don Marquez & SAXOKID (live)
Book your table on phone number +420 777 770 238 or email clubreservation@f-club.cz
Friday 24th June 2016 & Saturday 25th June
10pm till late
Ruby Room special
Influenced by Dr. Dre, Eazy-E , Snoop Dogg, Ice-T, Wu Tang Clan, NOTORIOUS B.I.G., 2 Pac, Busta Rhymes, etc, DJ SLICK has attracted a following of fans in these 10 years where he has DJ-ed in various clubs all over Europe.
Hennessy V.S.O.P Privilège has become established as the world’s favorite VSOP Cognac, and is recognised for its harmonious and well-structured blend. This year Hennessy will be releasing a limited edition bottle which will see F.Club as its launch ground.
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
Thirsty Thursday heisst es diesen Donnerstag wieder bei uns im FashionTV Café und nicht nur das:
Es wird HEISS mit den besten Beats von DJ MATTA.
Und bei diesen Getränke Specials bleibt ihr bestimmt nicht durstig…
2 Fashion Luxury Shisha on Ice €60.-
1 Jack Daniel’s + 4 Coca Cola €110.-
Wie kann man dazu nein sagen ?!?!?!
RESERVIERE JETZT deinen Tisch +4319457747 // www.fashiontvcafe.com
Thursday, 23th June 2016
10pm till late
Come down to DiamondVip and shake your booty on open format tunes all night: Top 40s, HipHop, R&B, EDM with DJ Sherpa and DJ Ian Sneaks!
Red Thursday promotions
Vodka/Red Bull Red – $10 nett/glass
Vodka// 4 Red Bull Red can – $150 nett/bottle
Moet & Chandon (75cl) – $150 nett/bottle
Make your reservations early to avoid disappointment!
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: Strictly no slippers
Cover: Entry via first drink
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Wednesday, 23th May 2016
9.00pm till late
RSVP online at http://f-club.sg/1212 and be one of the first 300 ladies to arrive at the door to receive a booklet of 12 drink coupons (9pm to 1am).
What do you have to do:
Turn up early! Coupon booklets are limited to the first 300 ladies only. Simply present yourself at our door at 9PM and receive your complimentary booklet and enjoy all 12 coupons through the night!
Early bird promotion till 11pm
– Jagermeister (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Vodka Premium (70cl) – $150nett
– F.Prosecco (70cl) – $120nett
Ladies 18+ / Men 21+
Dresscode: No effort, no entry. Strictly no slippers.
Cover: Ladies & Men $30 all night (incl. 2 drinks)
Please bring along your I.D for age verification
No student pass/EZ-Link/Photocopy of ID or mobile caption pictures
For table reservations, kindly call +65 6338 3158
Club rules apply
The Biggest Fashion Party, this year will be held at the newly restored Fort St.Angelo.
Tonight, Linx Royal Members Club gives you DJ Roger Sanchez / House music legend. Entered the DJ Mag Top 100 DJs List – – Top 10 DJS for 2 years. Entered the DJ Mag Top 100 DJs List for 14
Está marcada a festa mais “FASHION & LIFESTYLE” da cidade do Porto.
O 18º aniversário da Fashion Tv celebra-se Sábado, 17 de OUTUBRO em conjunto com o 6º aniversário da Pousada do Porto.
Neste ano especial, um novo conceito Premium VIP After Party será lançado em Portugal.
O 18º aniversário da Fashion Tv, celebra-se a 12 de Setembro, no BBeach Club em Oeiras.
Um local único, em frente ao Mar e ao ar livre, para um fantástico evento “Hot Summer Fashion Night”.
Convite ou Guest List obrigatório.
Pela primeira vez, a Fashion tv realiza na Região de Lisboa, o inicio da celebração do seu Aniversario, 18 anos de emissões internacionais, incluindo Portugal.
The Biggest & most prestigious fashion event in MALTA.
Evento FASHION TV Portugal, em parceria com o criador DINO ALVES.
Evento inserido no calendário oficial imprensa nacional e internacional presente na ModaLisboa, com a presença de vários profissionais da Moda Portuguesa.
A celebração da semana da Moda Portuguesa, no novo EVOLUTION HOTEL – GRUPO SANA em LISBOA.
Produção em parceria com a STAR SIX.
A noite de fim Ano mais FASHION de Portugal, vai ser na MADEIRA!!
Um evento único no Centro Congressos da Madeira, criado especialmente para esta ocasião
Uma soberba festa FASHION TV na Madeira, onde as temperaturas amenas e o famoso Fogo de Artificio à meia noite, se reúnem para celebrar uma grande evento de Moda e uma entrada no ano 2015 com Glamour!!
The Official VIP Cocktail Launch Party for Fashion Vodka at Sydney’s premier night spot Casablanca Bar Double Bay
A night to rub shoulders with the A-list and the Beautiful people.
Dress slick or Don’t dress at all
Doors open 9pm
Malta’s biggest fashion party is being held for the very first time at Smart City Laguna. Join us for a glamorous evening of back-to-back shows.
‘Spirit of Fashion’ will be an exclusive event for Canberra’s burgeoning fashion industry to socialise and mingle.
It will be a chance for models, designers, photographers, bloggers and organisers to let their hair down and celebrate fashion in the nation’s capital as well as the regional launch of Fashion Vodka. You will be the first in Canberra to try this brand new premium product from Fashion TV.
Who: Canberra’s Fashion Industry (18+ only)
Where: Knightsbridge Penthouse, 1/34 Mort Street, Braddon 2612
What: ‘Spirit of Fashion’
When: 7pm – 9pm, Saturday 26th April
Order tickets via Eventbrite:
Fashion Vodka & FTV Cordially Invites you to
F Vodka Fashion WeeK Launch Party
Sunday April 6 2014
1:00pm to 4pm Dj’s spinning into the Night
Hampton’s Style Brunch
$45 All inclusive BBQ Buffet & F Vodka Cocktails and introducing SOFI
Special Guest Dj’s Rob Kay, Bondi House Dj’s & Speical Sunset Performance by Waity + more
Fashion TV will be Filming on the Day
for more information contact jason@littleblackbookagency.com
Festa do canal Fashion tv.
Evento inserido no calendário oficial imprensa nacional e internacional presente na ModaLisboa, com a presença de vários profissionais da Moda Portuguesa.
A celebração da semana da Moda Portuguesa, no luxuoso HOTEL 5 EPIC SANA em LISBOA.
Lotação limitada.
Está marcada a festa mais “FASHION & LIFESTYLE” da cidade do Porto.
O 16º aniversário da Fashion Tv celebra-se a 28 de Setembro em conjunto com o 4º aniversário da Pousada do Porto.
Produção: FASHION 360º LDA.
O evento da Moda & Lifestyle no Algarve!
15th Anniversary Edition
Bridal Fashion Show by Farage PARIS brought to Malta specifically for Malta Fashion Week by Wedding Bells. FREE reception afterwards by Infinitely Xara. This is a free event but invite is required. Kindly send an email to reception@fashionweek.com.mt to reserve your seats with the word “Bridal” in subject or call 21224234(shop hours)
Festa do canal Fashion tv,no âmbito da 40ª edição da ModaLisboa.
Evento inserido no calendário oficial imprensa nacional e internacional presente na ModaLisboa.
A celebração da semana da Moda Portuguesa num dos locais mais internacionais de Lisboa,SILK CLUB, veja www.silk-club.com
Lotação limitada.
Malta’s biggest fashion party in collaboration with FTV.
www.fashionweek.com.mt for info.
www.ticketline.com.mt for tickets.
Twelve upcoming designers will be launching their collections in this fantastic event promoting young Maltese talent and serving as a launching pad for their careers in fashion design.
Fashion show of designer Fleur Kelinza’s collection at The Villa, Corinthia Palace Hotel and Spa, Attard. Entrance by invite. Ticket hotline melissa@fashionweek.com.mt
A collection of vintage costumes from Teatru Manoel will be taken out of the theatre to be put on public display for the first time. Apart from viewing these fantastic costumes, guests will also enjoy a fashion show with replicas of period costumes. Ticket hotline 21433601 or igrech@autosales.com.mt
Malta’s most established designers C&R launch their F/W 2012 collection at Mediterranean Conference Centre. Request invite by email (info@charlesandron.com) or sms 99222085 with address.
Fashion show of the latest collections from world renowned brand Pronovias. Event is by invite which may be obtained from Pronovias, The Strand Sliema free of charge. Ticket hotline: 23889380.
Pjazza San Gorg in Valletta will host the largest ever fashion photography exhibition in Malta. 40 huge photo walls presenting the work of Maltese and foreign fashion photographers will be exhibited for a whole week. The public can walk around the posters and admire the artistic work of these photographers.